Scrap Metal Prices

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Scrap Metal Prices in Staffordshire, United Kingdom

The prices listed below are average prices paid by scrap yards in Staffordshire, United Kingdom. Prices are collected from scrap yards directly and updated bi-weekly.
  • "Average Price" indicates the average price paid by all scrap yards in Staffordshire cities listed
  • "High Price" indicates the average for the highest prices paid by all scrap yards in Staffordshire cities listed
  • "Low Price" indicates the average for the lowest prices paid by all scrap yards in Staffordshire cities listed

Aluminum Scrap

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Aluminum Scrap450600300Pound/Tonne2022-10-14
Heavy Irony Aluminum Scrap9512070Pound/Tonne2022-10-14

Brass Scrap

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Brass Scrap Clean250030002000Pound/Tonne2022-10-14

Copper Scrap

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
#1 Copper Scrap310036002600Pound/Tonne2022-10-14
Braziery Copper Scrap290035002300Pound/Tonne2022-10-14
Copper Dry Bright Scrap375045003000Pound/Tonne2022-10-14
Household Cable PVC Scrap11501400900Pound/Tonne2022-10-14

Iron Scrap

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Light Iron Scrap8010060Pound/Tonne2022-10-14

Lead Scrap

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Lead Batteries Scrap450600300Pound/Tonne2022-10-14
Lead Scrap10001200800Pound/Tonne2022-10-14

Stainless Steel Scrap

MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Stainless Steel Scrap500600400Pound/Tonne2022-10-14
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