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Scrap Yards in West Virginia - United States

111 Scrap Yards listed

We pay you cash for your scrap. Honest weights, fair prices, and friendly service. Adkins Recycling Company provides you with…
Materials accepted :  18 items
4023 Ohio River Road
West Virginia, United States
Herman Strauss is the name of the founder of the company. And Herman Strauss Inc. was the original Strauss entity.…
Materials accepted :  5 items
35th & McColloch St. Wheeling, WV 26003
West Virginia, United States
Triple Nickel and Ernie’s have accomplished over 25 years of experience. We are growing and expanding our capabilities and inventory…
Materials accepted :  10 items
4590 Williamsport Pike
West Virginia, United States
Recycling in Moorefield and Burlington "Go green." At C & K Salvage & Recycling, those are more than just buzz…
Materials accepted :  12 items
Rig Rd
West Virginia, United States
Recycling in Moorefield and Burlington "Go green." At C & K Salvage & Recycling, those are…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Rig Rd
West Virginia, United States
Established in 2003, RJ Recycling, LLC, has grown to become the largest recycler of West Virginia ferrous and nonferrous scrap…
Materials accepted :  6 items
1800 Garfield Ave
West Virginia, United States
XS Recyclers:XS Recyclers has been serving the tristate area since 1998. Over the years we have built up our…
Materials accepted :  146 items
653 Franklintown Rd
Summit Point
West Virginia, United States
Welcome to Three Rivers Iron and Metal:We believe in being the leader in honest customer service in the scrap metal…
Materials accepted :  35 items
500 Virginia Ave
West Virginia, United States
Taylor Iron & Metal has a longstanding reputation for offering superior customer service and fair rates at the Huntington, West…
Materials accepted :  19 items
10 3rd Avenue W
West Virginia, United States
Potomac Metals Inc ( PMI ) is a privately held independent scrap metal recycling company. We provide a multitude of…
Materials accepted :  23 items
410 16th Avenue
West Virginia, United States
Established in 2003, RJ Recycling, LLC, has grown to become the largest recycler of West Virginia ferrous and nonferrous scrap…
Materials accepted :  10 items
300 Kanawha Ave
West Virginia, United States
101 - 111 of 111 yards
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