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Scrap Yards in Minnesota - United States

356 Scrap Yards listed

TSI Inc. serves a global market by investigating, identifying and solving measurement problems. As an industry leader in the design…
Materials accepted : Not Specified
500 Cardigan Road
Saint Paul
Minnesota, United States
Established in 1997 by Steve Budd, Integrated Recycling Technologies (IRT) is a Monticello, Minnesota based company specializing in the recycling…
Materials accepted :  40 items
Minnesota, United States
Scrap Metal Processors, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Minnesota on March 16, 1977.  Michael (Mickey) Minter, owner, opened…
Materials accepted :  20 items
9000 Science Center Drive
New Hope
Minnesota, United States
"We are dedicated to serving your most demanding needs and offering our expertise in finding the most innovative solutions available…
Materials accepted :  5 items
615 North Prior Avenue
Saint Paul
Minnesota, United States
351 - 354 of 356 yards
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