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Scrap Yards in Newton

5 Scrap Yards listed

Materials accepted :  5 items
1549 12th Ave W
Iowa, United States
We provide our services to business and residential customers trash, recycling, yard waste, general hauling, appliance removal and…
Materials accepted :  10 items
2910 W 4th ST S
Iowa, United States
Discover quality used car parts at incredible prices. Fatten your wallet by selling your old junker. Recycle old appliances and…
Materials accepted :  6 items
2713 Hwy 14 S/I-80
Iowa, United States
Gralnek-Dunitz Co. is a full-service scrap metal buyer for Newton, Iowa and the surrounding areas. Since 1903, we have been…
Materials accepted :  5 items
1428 N 19th Ave E
Iowa, United States
Over the past 25 years Recycling has changed and evolved a lot-- that does mean regular changes that can and…
Materials accepted :  11 items
2910 W 4th ST S
Iowa, United States
1 - 5 of 5 yards
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