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Scrap Yards in Iowa Falls

6 Scrap Yards listed

Recycling ferous & non ferous metals Pay per ton on site. We take old cars, trucks, farm equipment,…
Materials accepted :  12 items
11733 Co Rd S45
Iowa Falls
Iowa, United States
About 13 years ago we were DNR and EPA certified to demanufacture appliances. We have saved tons of…
Materials accepted :  3 items
11733 Hwy S45
Iowa Falls
Iowa, United States
Plastic Recycling of Iowa Falls has headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Iowa Falls, Iowa. Our unique molds and…
Materials accepted :  3 items
10252 Hwy. 65
Iowa Falls
Iowa, United States
Tom and Diane Vanderpool started this company 25 years ago with a pick-up and trailer and a eye…
Materials accepted :  3 items
D&T Recycling, LLC
11733 Hwy S45
Iowa Falls
Iowa, United States
Wilken and Sons, Inc., is your one-stop-shop for domestic and import auto parts nationwide! Our automotive recycling facilities distribute thousands…
Materials accepted :  6 items
10330 Highway 65
Iowa Falls
Iowa, United States
Tom and Diane Vanderpool started this company 20 years ago with a pick-up and trailer and a eye on the…
Materials accepted :  10 items
11733 Hwy S45
Iowa Falls
Iowa, United States
1 - 6 of 6 yards
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