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United Chemical Services Incorporated

610-3936 Brodsky Avenue , Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Memberships : NA
About Yard

United Chemical Services Incorporated distributes industrial chemicals, manages hazardous waste chemical and recycles solvents. Our modern facility is located on an eleven acre site in Selkirk, Manitoba, which is close to Winnipeg. We service mainly the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. We hold environmental licences for the storage of chemicals and hazardous waste. Our company operates in a safe environmentally friendly manner, managing our human and financial capital effectively.


  • 1993 United Chemical Services was incorporated in April, founded by Tom Screawn and Bertram Coutts.
  • 1995 A new distribution centre was developed in Selkirk, Manitoba.
  • 1997 Manitoba's third fastest growing company.
  • 1998 Obtained ISO 9002-1994 Certification.
  • 1999 Purchased a chemical distribution company and formed a new separate company called KT EnviroClean Inc.
  • 2000 Received Business Achievement Award from Triple S Region for sales growth.
  • 2003 Obtained Certification of ISO 9001-2000.
  • 2004 Purchased an additional eleven acres adjacent to its present Selkirk property to further plant expansion.
  • 2008 Constructed a new office facility.
  • 2012 Our Saskatoon location moved into new warehousing facility at - 6 Prospect Road Saskatoon.


United Chemical Services offer a wide range of Industrial Waste Management Services. Recycled Solvents are available upon request and many waste streams can be recycled for your reuse. United Chemical Services can help you with your environmental and safety issues.

Recycling Machine

Our recycling machine processes Flexographic polymer/solvent waste into a renewable product. It currently recycles solvents with a flash point of over 140 degrees fahrenheit.

Site Assessment

Concerns over contaminated property and the expanded responsibilities for clean-up costs have heightened in recent years, especially among lending institutions. More stringent provincial laws have been passed, establishing "joint and several liability" for contaminated sites.This legislation casts a wide net over both current and past owners, current and past operators, as well as others involved in property transactions and development.

What we do

MCCONNELL & ASSOCIATES assists property vendors, prospective purchasers, lending institutions and developers with their due diligence respecting potential contaminated site liability.We conduct Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Investigations to assess potential risks for contamination (Phase 1), and confirm through soil and groundwater testing (Phase II) that contamination is either absent or present at the site.Whether it's for a property transaction, redevelopment planning, or just for prudence, understanding the risks for site contamination at a property starts with a Phase I investigation.Phase I investigations examine the risk of site contamination based on past and present use of the site as well as surrounding properties, and generally include:

  • Research on historical land uses.
  • Interviews with knowledgeable sources.
  • Visual site inspection and photo documentation.
  • Assessment of the risk of site contamination and recommendations for further action if needed.

If contamination is found, a Detailed Site Investigation (formerly called Phase 3) utilizes more extensive soil and groundwater testing to delineate the extent of contamination (area, depths, volumes for each contaminant). Based on the results of a Detailed Site Investigation, a Remediation Plan describes the method, sequence, timeframes and costs entailed in cleaning up contamination found at the site.

A Confirmation of Remediation Report documents the remediation actions implemented and provides verification that contamination has been removed. Sometimes, when physical remediation is either not possible or not practically feasible, site contamination can be dealt with by Risk Management instead.

Heat Cleaning Oven

Our heat cleaning oven is capable of destroying waste paint booth filters; it consists of two chambers: a processor and an oxidizer. A clean burn occurs with no residue or V.O.C. emission released into the atmosphere. Remains of the burning (ashes) are eligible for municipal landfill.

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Company Services
  • Recycling Solvents
  • Industrial Waste Management
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(204) 482-1214
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Yard Locations

610-3936 Brodsky Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ZIP: S7P 0C9
(306) 477 0522
(306) 373 9565
Box 220,708 Greenwood Ave
Selkirk, Manitoba
ZIP: R1A 2B2
(204) 482-1214
(204) 482-1217

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