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SouthEastern Ohio Joint Solid Waste Management Dis

46049 Marietta Road, Suite 6, Caldwell, Ohio, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

The SouthEastern Ohio Joint Solid Waste Management is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio comprising the following counties as its jurisdictional boundaries; Guernsey, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble and Washington.The District is required to secure adequate disposal capacity for solid waste for its constituents and businesses. This access to solid waste disposal capacity is provided through Capacity Assurance Agreements with Subtitle D Landfills, Scrap Tire Monofills, and Solid Waste Transfer Station Facilities in Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania as are listed in the Disposal Facility Section.

The SouthEastern Ohio Joint Solid Waste Management District was formed on March 1, 1989 by Guernsey, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, and Washington counties in compliance with Substitute Ohio House Bill 592 which required that counties form solid waste management districts to provide for the reduction of solid waste being disposed of in Ohio landfills, and to provide the District’s residents and businesses with guaranteed solid waste disposal capacity for ten-year to fifteen-year periods. The District also provides programs for the recovery of common recyclables from the home as well as special wastes such as scrap tires, household appliances, electronics, and household hazardous wastes through a variety of private sector and governmental contractors.

The District’s operation and activities are funded through a $2.00 per ton fee that is assessed to all solid waste received at the contracted facilities for disposal. With the two dollars per ton, the District employs a District Coordinator and secretary. It contracts for 6 annual household hazardous waste collections, six annual appliance collections, six annual television/computer/electronics collections, and six annual scrap tire collections. In addition to this, the District contracts with Mary Hammond Adult Activity Center, The Noble County Commissioners, and the Muskingum County Commissioners to operate community recycling drop-off locations in all of the member counties.

SouthEastern Facts

  • Education to students in grades 5 through 12 is provided through a contract with GT Environmental, Inc. of Westerville, Ohio in a curriculum format that is produced to fit the state proficiency guidelines. In addition to classroom activities and curriculum, the District provides funding for students to take tours of landfills, transfer stations, recycling facilities, and manufacturing facilities that produce consumer products from recycled material feedstock.
  • Waste audits or assessments are provided to governmental, commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities at no charge to assist them with alternative waste management methods.
  • Funding is provided to Noble County General Health District on the Ohio EPA Approved Program List for enforcement of state open dumping and open burning regulations.
  • Assistance is provided to the counties and private companies to procure state funding to purchase recycling and manufacturing equipment. Over the past 15 years the District, counties, and various manufacturing have received over eight million dollars from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (Division of Recycling & Litter Prevention) for recycling and litter prevention projects.


The SouthEastern JSWMD encourages homeowners to recycle by providing information about the proper management of their household waste, a list of service providers, and “Special Waste Collection Events” that assist them with the proper management of common recyclables, electronics, televisions, computers, scrap tires, appliances, and household hazardous wastes that are generated in and around the home.

Buildings in different locations in all of the member counties. Also, there are a number of private waste hauling companies that provide curbside recycling services and recycling facilities for use by the general public.With the rising cost of waste disposal and transportation, the average homeowner has the ability to reduce their waste disposal cost simply by taking advantage of services provided at little or no cost.

We DO NOT recycle the following list of items and do not want them dropped off.

Egg cartons, juice and frozen food boxes; pizza boxes; plastic trash and grocery bags; tissue, napkins, paper towels, food trays; oil and antifreeze containers; yogurt cups, buckets, window glass, automotive glass, ceramics materials, drinking glasses, cups, mugs, dishware, pots, pans, plates, silverware and other eating utensils, light bulbs, clothing, wood, wooden pallets, toys, pools, pool liners, aerosol cans, steel and plastic drums, Styrofoam or any other plastic than those listed above; scrap metal, furniture, bedding, carpet, sharps/syringes & other medical waste, food waste, dead animals, yard waste, automotive fluid or other hazardous materials, computers, televisions, computer monitors, computer printers, copiers, scanners, cell phones, telephones, mattresses, electronics, appliances, scrap tires, and construction & demolition waste, paint, gas tanks; air, propane and gas cylinders; fire extinguisher, scrap tire, burn barrels, buckets & pails, vinyl siding.


The federal and state regulations require that businesses manage their solid waste differently than the normal homeowner. The list of collection events on this page provide for a more well defined tracking of their recycling data and provide them with the ability to procure different types of services that are more specific to the types of wastes they generate.

SouthEastern Waste District Information
The District provides assistance to the business sector in the form of waste audits or assessments and assistance in finding other businesses that have the ability to recycle or reuse what you may consider waste.Our “Waste Exchange” program encourages businesses to list materials for reuse by other businesses or industries. The Ohio Materials Exchange, which is hosted by Ohio EPA through a private contractor, also allows for businesses to place additional material listings.

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Company Services
  • Aluminum Cans Recycling
  • Plastic Bottles Recycling
  • Paper Recycling
  • Glass Recycling
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Yard Locations

46049 Marietta Road, Suite 6
Caldwell, Ohio
United States
ZIP: 43724

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