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Sass Automotive & Wrecking

2487 W 25th St, Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Since 1989, we've been providing quality auto service to customers in and around the city. From the beginning, our auto repair and wrecking shop has been dedicated to outstanding customer service. Our skilled mechanics are devoted to addressing your needs promptly and providing accurate estimates for what service is required and how long it will take to get your vehicle back in running order.

We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable mechanics at our shop who are happy to work on all makes and models. All car and truck service is performed in-house and never outsourced so you can feel confident in knowing just who is working on your vehicle.
We take pride in our used auto parts directory which allows you to search for the exact part you need for your car or truck. If you can't find the exact car part you need, give us a call and we'd be happy to see if we can get it in stock for you. Whether your Subaru is stalled on the side of the road, your Ford was in a fender-bender, or your Volkswagen has a faulty transmission, you can count on Sass Automotive & Wrecking to pick you up and get you back on the road. 
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2Junk Vehicles
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  • Auto Repair & Wrecking Services
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(216) 696-7636
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Yard Locations

Cleveland, Ohio
United States
ZIP: 44113
(216) 696-7636

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Operating Hours

OPEN NOW (Closes at 6:00 pm)
TuesdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
FridayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
SundayFrom 9:00 am To 3:00 pm
From 10:00 am To 2:00 pm
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