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Safe and Easy Electronics Recycling

1732 Front St, Lynden, Washington, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Safe and Easy Electronics Recycling recycles all computers and computer accessories as well as recycle monitors,  televisions (TV), liquid crystal displays (LCD), Plasma TVs, computers, servers, laptops, cables, cords, cell phones, PDA, CD players, DVD players, and many other types of electronics.

Safe & Easy Electronic Recycling provides:

  • Free Computer Recycling
  • Certified Information Destruction
  • Reuse, Refurbish, and Repair
  • Certificate of Destruction for Businesses Assets
  • One-stop for all your electronic recycling needs

How Do We Do it?

  • Re-Use: Newer and lightly used equipment is refurbished, sold, or donated to non-profits both locally and around the country.
  • Recycle: Obsolete or (End-of-Life) equipment is separated into plastic, metal, and mineral components then sold back into manufacturing other products, or in some rare cases donated to museums.

How Much Does It Cost?

Unfortunately the current environment has caused us to charge for some items. This is still better than the 6.00 minimum plus poundage fee at the dump, and we process properly.

Large Businesses (More than 50 employees)

  • Free to recycle:
  • Free for Televisions, Monitors, Printers, Copiers, etc.
  • $10 Per HIPAA Certified & Documented Data Wipe
  • Free: Asset Report
  • Free: Sorting and Packaging

Scheduled Pickup
Fill out the quick form below including your address and list of equipment. If you would prefer to fax your equipment list you may send it to (360) 715-2911. Once we receive your request we will contact you to schedule the pickup of your equipment.

Why Recycle?

The E-Waste Problem

The environmental concerns regarding E-Waste stem from the many compounds that are known to have adverse impacts on the health of the environment for all living beings. The following hazardous elements and compounds can be found in everyday E-Waste:

  • Lead in cathode ray tubes and solder
  • Mercury in switches and housing
  • Arsenic in older cathode ray tubes
  • Antimony trioxide as flame retardant
  • Polybrominated flame retardants in plastic casings, cables, and circuit boards
  • Selenium in circuit boards
  • Cadmium in circuit boards and semiconductors
  • Chromium in steel as corrosion protection
  • Cobalt in steel for structural strength and magnetism

The improper disposal and recycling of these items are responsible for birth defects, cancer, and the deaths of hundreds of people around the world. International treaties, federal regulations, and state laws have greatly increased liabilities for companies, agencies, and organizations that own large inventories of these products.

Since the turn of the century, there has been increasing pressure from all levels of government and society to reduce E-Waste. However, technological advances are rapidly rendering formerly cutting-edge electronics obsolete. An estimated 20 million personal computers became obsolete in 1998. Most of these are in storage, some were improperly disposed of; probably fewer than 6 percent were recycled. Currently, the useful life of a computer is only 3 to 5 years and shrinking. In 2005, more than 63 million personal computers were retired according to a recent study by the National Safety Council.

IT Asset Management

Safe & Easy Recycling maximizes your company’s assets. Our sales representatives have spent the past five years creating and discovering niche markets worldwide for every type of re-usable electronic. In doing so, they are able to supply these markets with the exact product needed while simultaneously maximizing the value of our client’s computer electronic assets.At Safe & Easy Recycling we make it easy with our trained staff and years of experience. Upon your request we can have your equipment reviewed, quoted, and picked up within 48hrs. Then wiped and processed with a settlement check issued in less than 30 days.

Safe & Easy Recycling is affiliated with refurbishing factories nation-wide for laptops, LCD monitors, telecom equipment, cell phones, toners, servers, computers, and much more. Through these affiliates we are able to give new life to products that are still usable.Safe & Easy Recycling protects your sensitive data through HIPAA Certified data-wipe that meet all state and federal requirements for information destruction. All your data is destroyed and all liabilities are assumed by Safe & Easy Recycling

All SNE refurbished products have a “Life Cycle” which lead back to our sponsored recycling facility for End of Life or E.O.L recycling. We offer a “Life Cycle sticker”, which is attached to the back of all units sold. This sticker offers free recycling of that unit to any of our recycling locations. This sticker also contains our contact information and shipping address. This process closes the “Life Cycle” of that product while insuring environmentally friendly disposal.

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Materials Accepted
Company Services
  • Electronics Recycling
  • Computers Recycling
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(360) 715-EASY (3279)
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Yard Locations

1732 Front St
Lynden, Washington
United States
ZIP: 98264
(360) 656-5692
3863 Hannegan Rd . Suite 110
Bellingham, Washington
United States
ZIP: 98226
(360) 715-EASY (3279)
(360) 715-2911

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Tuesday at 9:00 am)
TuesdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
FridayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
SundayFrom 9:00 am To 6:00 pm
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