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Rock River Disposal

4002 S. Main Street , Rockford, Illinois, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Residents of the City of Rockford now have the option to lease or purchase a Rock River Disposal trash cart. These carts are to be used for household trash only (no recyclable materials or landscape waste is allowed to be placed into the carts). The carts are available in both 95 gallon and 65 gallon sizes. All carts are equipped with lids to reduce blowing trash, and wheels to assist you in moving the cart to and from the curb.

The cost to lease either size cart is $24 per year, payable annually in advance. Payment for the first year is due when you place your order, and you will be invoiced directly by Rock River Disposal on an annual basis thereafter. You may cancel your participation in the program at any time; however, no refunds will be given for any lease payments previously made.You may also elect to purchase a 95 gallon cart for a onetime fee of $56.00, or a 65 gallon cart for a onetime fee of $51.00. An additional delivery fee will be assessed for all purchased carts.

Rockford Yard Waste Collection

The 2017 Yard Waste Season will resume in the following area on the given dates provided below.  Please be advised that yard waste will only be collected when placed in compostable paper bags or in garbage cans clearly marked with a large “X” visible from the street. Branches and limbs less than 4” in diameter bundled with string or twine may be placed for collection as long as they don’t exceed four feet in length, three feet in diameter and 50 pounds by weight. Please review your municipality to clarify limits and restrictions. 


All over town, you see us – Rock River Disposal trucks, hard at work picking up from the homes and families we serve. For decades we’ve aimed to provide quality customer service that’s clean, quiet, and respectful of your property. Today we’re also working to offer you recycling in a way that’s easy for you, and good for the environment.


From heavy industry to office parks to retail, Rock River Disposal has the solutions that will meet the needs of every kind of  commercial enterprise. We’ll work with you to create a customized program for your business, beginning with the audit that determines your waste disposal needs, through providing the right containers and collection from on-call to six days a week.


Recycling is part of our everyday lives now – at home, at work and at school. And we’re working to make it easier for you. Rock River Disposal was a pioneer in the single stream recycling process in our area, allowing households to recycle without sorting. And we’re experts at working with municipalities, business and industry to make recycling an efficient part of their operations.

Go Green with Us

  • Reuse your water bottle. Avoid buying bottled water. In fact, reuse everything at least once, especially plastics.
  • Check out your bathroom. Use low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets.
  • Start a compost pile in your back yard or on your rooftop.
  • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs – youʼll save energy costs and probably change bulbs less often.
  • Turn off lights and electronics when you leave the room. Unplug your cell phone charger from the wall when not using it. Turn off energy strips and surge protectors when not in
  • use (especially overnight).
  • Recycle your newspapers.
  • Car pool.
  • Ride a bike.
  • Get off junk mail lists.
  • Buy products that use recyclable materials whenever possible.
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Company Services
  • Aluminum Cans Recycling
  • Tin Cans Recycling
  • Plastics Bottles Recycling
  • Glass Bottles Recycling
  • Newspapers Recycling
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Yard Locations

4002 S. Main Street
Rockford, Illinois
United States
ZIP: 61102

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