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Riverside Recycling

910 Riverside St, Portland, Maine, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Riverside Recycling is a regional facility for the processing, recycling and/or disposal of construction and demolition debris, electronic waste, inert material, bulky waste and organic material such as leaf and yard waste. We are open to the general public and are ready to serve the disposal needs of businesses, contractors, municipal operations and individual residents. The site is operated by CPRC Management and owned by the City of Portland.

Latex Paint

Latex paint is not a hazardous item. Please do not bring your latex paint on HHW day. You may, if you wish to, but you will be charged $6.50 per gallon to dispose of it! A much more economical way to get rid of it would be to dry it out. You may use kitty litter, a product called Speedi-Dri, or sand. Simply mix it in, and let it harden. Once it is dry and non-pourable, you may put them in your regular trash, or bring to Riverside. Please note, that cans of hardened latex paint do NOT count as an E-card item.

Riverside Recycling Facility accepts household hazardous waste (HHW) on the 1st Saturday of the month (April through November). Collection occurs during regular business hours.  This program is open to all Maine residents. Portland E-Card holders may dispose of up to 10 gallons of HHW annually with a maximum of TWO visits at no charge (i.e. two visits of 5 gallons each visit, or one visit with 10 gallons will use up the HHW portion of your E-Card for the year).  Other residential customers will be charged $6.50 per gallon for liquid wastes or $3.50 per pound for solid wastes. Unfortunately, we cannot accept hazardous waste from businesses.

How will the drop off program work?

  1. Prepare your household hazardous waste for drop off.  When preparing hazardous items for disposal at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility, be sure that liquids are in sturdy leak-proof containers with caps or lids. Use the original container whenever possible. Secure breakable or loose items inside boxes or bags. Do not mix items together. Be careful that no items spill or break when they are in your vehicle.
  2. Bring your items to Riverside Recycling, 910 Riverside St. on the 1st Saturday of the month (April through November) Collection occurs during regular business hours. When you arrive at the facility, stop at the attendant’s booth and speak with the staff.  Present your e-card or pay the appropriate fee. ALL HAZARDOUS WASTE MUST BE DROPPED OFF BEFORE RECYCLING ANY OTHER ITEMS.
  3. Follow any directions you receive at the attendant’s booth and proceed to the facility. When you pull up at the HHW facility, stay in your vehicle. The HHW staff will assist you with removing your items.
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Yard Locations

910 Riverside St
Portland, Maine
United States
ZIP: 04103
(207) 797-6200
(207) 797-6900

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Operating Hours

CLOSED (Opens today at 7:30 am)
TuesdayFrom 7:30 am To 3:30 pm
ThursdayFrom 7:30 am To 3:30 pm
FridayFrom 7:30 am To 3:30 pm
SaturdayFrom 7:30 am To 3:30 pm
SundayFrom 7:30 am To 3:30 pm
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