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River Valley Paper Company

120 E Mill Street, Suite #337, Akron, Ohio, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard
River Valley Paper Company is a manager, processor and exporter of waste paper headquartered in Akron, Ohio, with offices and processing facilities in Jacksonville, Florida and Kalamazoo, Michigan. We manage in excess of 30,000 tons per month and market recovered paper throughout North America, as well as exporting worldwide.Our Akron, Ohio facility, Mill Paper Packaging, occupies 220,000 square feet and is capable of processing 600 tons of high-grade material each day. This facility has its own fleet of trucks, compactors and 28, 48 and 53-foot trailers, allowing us to spot equipment and service accounts that do not have available docks. We have recently added new outdoor recycling bins to be able to service a wider variety of local customers. Our export division is responsible for marketing bales, skids and rolls for worldwide distribution. Our networking has allowed us to move specialty items, as well as mill material for offshore applications.
 Our Jacksonville, Florida office along with Portside Paper, one of our new processing facilities, is able to manage customers' needs in the South and Southeast regions of the US.Our Kalamazoo, Michigan processing facility is also newly acquired. This plant supports the areas west of Ohio for both generators and consumers. RiverCor, Akron, Ohio, is our contract sheeting and converting facility providing quality board and paper sheeting, as well as slitting, trimming and rewinding rolls for the packaging, paper and printing industries.Although short-term scenarios may look appealing at times, River Valley has a fundamental belief in marketing paper for long-term growth and security. With over 20 years experience, our capabilities for scrap paper service are growing on a daily basis. We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with you to explore a partnership which will be mutually beneficial.
Company Mission Statement
"To provide our business recycling partners, communities, schools and churches the best recycling services and solutions that protect and preserve our environment.  To offer rapid and professional sustainable solutions with diligence, honesty and reliability."
A.I.M PROGRAM The Co-Operative Recycling System Our A.I.M in-plant recycling program has many advantages:
  • Lower your trash bill
  • Reduce waste going to landfills
  • A vital element of your sustainable packaging effort
  • Boost your company’s “Green” profile
  • Provides an accurate audit of your wastes
  • Potential source of untapped revenue

Paper Management

River Valley Paper Company designs and manages waste paper recycling programs to work in cooperation with personnel and management. We create successful programs that take into consideration the individual characteristics and needs of each facility. Our goal is to maximize revenue and reduce costs by identifying each waste stream and analyzing its potential. We have named this approach to recycling A.I.M, which stands for Analyze, Implement and Manage. We analyze each area of waste generation, implement changes that we mutually agree are beneficial and then co-operatively manage the changes that will maximize the value and revenue for your plant.

A product manager will visit your facility and examine your needs, opportunities and limitations. First, we identify every point of generation and the value of each stream.We evaluate the handling process at those sites to determine changes that will create maximum return to the plant. Then, we propose changes that enhance inplant handling and revenue potential. After consulting with the plant and management personnel, a decision is made based on our recommendations.

The implementation of change begins with management support and personnel education. An educated and informed team is important to the success of the A.I.M program. During the implementation portion of the program, we begin with “Recycling Product Seminars”. We define each grade and explain packaging requirements to all plant employees. Armed with the knowledge of the different values and quality needs, the implementation of the changes becomes successful.

You will have daily contact that answers any question you may have in regards to the program. We like to reevaluate the program every 6 months to ensure that we are providing a program that is 100% beneficial to you. We will re-analyze the program, identify the successes and provide a written evaluation to management. At the close of each month, a report detailing each shipment, grade, weight and value is provided. This report will help to insure that the waste percentages, grades and values are in line with the budget. We also do a year-end report that can be generated by grade or total tons and total revenue. Each month, we supply a market overview that will provide management with a snapshot of where the market pricing is and how it may or may not impact your revenue. We index pricing to a market publication and generally utilize the “Yellow Sheet” or the “Pulp and Paper Weekly”. At times, the market will spike above these published prices and we can provide shortterm premiums during these peak-pricing markets.The A.I.M program is a continual process. As the paper industry keeps evolving and changing, we continue to identify those areas that are relevant for each facility, that add value. As we develop partnerships, we find there is a large range of unique benefits that partners can provide through the program, in addition to the waste.



In the United States, the number one export by volume is waste paper. River Valley has built a knowledgeable team to handle the changing markets and growing demand for pulp and paper products in the foreign markets. Our export division has established a network of contacts in the European, Middle Eastern, Asian and South American markets. Our export team delivers exceptional service in handling prime paper grades, stock lots and pulp in all markets.


Plastic is one of the most commonly used products in the United States and accounts for a large amount of generated waste. As we all become more aware of our impact on the environment, River Valley has been making strides to integrate a plastics recycling program in addition to our waste paper programs.

Roll Specialties

River Valley Paper specializes in both oddlot and joblot assortments of rolls. We have the equipment and markets to handle wet rolls, as well as rolls damaged in transit. We also handle excess inventories to be used for both repulping and low level converting.

Local Paper Recycling
River Valley Paper Company has been in business for over 20 years and we are continuously looking for new ways to provide our community and customers with improved outlets for collecting your recyclable paper. When you start a program with River Valley Paper Company, you become more active in conservation of our natural resources, provide education to our youth for a greener future and promote recycling throughout our community.

Benefits to Your Organization

  • Save on the costs of solid waste disposal.
  • Divert paper from local landfills, and extend the landfill life.
  • Help in the reduction of air, water and land pollution.
  • Provide the community with a convenient drop-off location.
  • Provides your organization with fundraising opportunities.

Items which are NOT Accepted for the Recycling Program

  • Plastic — Bottles, Bags
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Trash
  • Aluminum
  • Styrofoam

How is Paper Recycled?

  • Paper Recycling starts with YOU! Making sure your paper is free from contaminants, such as food waste, plastics, metals and other trash, helps to ensure your recycling is a success.
  • Your collected paper is taken to a local recycling center and sorted into different grades of paper, where it is then bundled and sent to various paper mills. These paper bundles are stored until each mill is ready to use it in the production of new paper and new paper products.
  • Once the paper mill is ready to use the stored paper, the bundles are taken from the warehouse to large conveyors, which transport the paper into a large vat called a pulper. A pulper contains water and chemicals that break the collected paper into small pieces. These pieces are heated, which breaks them down even smaller into little strands called fibers. The paper is broken down until it is pulp. This pulp is sent through screens to remove additional contaminants.
  • Next, the pulp is sent through another cleaning process to remove heavier items like staples and paperclips. Once those items are removed, the material goes through the de-inking step to remove printers ink and adhesives. This clean mixture is sent to be refined or made into the ideal texture for papermaking. If the paper was color paper, special bleaching chemicals are added to remove the color.
  • The newly refined pulp is now ready to be made into new paper. The paper fibers are sent through a machine that drains the water from the pulp and the fibers bond together to form a sheet. This sheet moves though several press rollers, which squeeze out more water. Then moves through several heated rollers, which dry the paper.
  • Finally, when the paper is dry it is wound into a giant roll and removed from the machine. These rolls are then packed and sent out to printers, newspapers, magazines, offices, paper converters, packaging manufacturers and others. The paper roll is then reused in items such as: newspaper, magazines, mail and other paper products.
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Materials Accepted
Company Services
  • Newspapers Recycling
  • Magazines Recycling
  • Cardboard Recycling
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Yard Locations

120 E Mill Street, Suite #337
Akron, Ohio
United States
ZIP: 44309

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