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Recycling Center LLC, Ky Waste Paper

7635 Pembroke Rd , Pembroke, Kentucky, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Recycling Center, LLC was owned and operated in Pembroke, Ky by Ralph Combs for 20 years. It was purchased from his daughter Rachel, in September of 2009 by myself, Kevin Covington. I continued to operate as Ralph did, running the business while also farming and working with my brother at our family grain business.
In the fall of 2010, Recycling Center LLC acquired Ky Waste Paper of Hopkinsville, Ky. It was owned and managed by Terry Bullock for more than 20 years. Both companies have developed great working relationships with local businesses and factories, handling their cardboard and paper.
I decided there was great opportunity to expand the businesses, but I would need to take this challenge on as a full time job. As of January 1, 2011, with the support of my new wife Kim, I am completely focused on the recycling business.
We now have a new facility under construction at 7635 Pembroke Rd. It will enable us to handle more materials and a larger variety, including plastics. We are currently working with factories in Hopkinsville, Clarksville, and Pembroke, with the new location enabling us to continue serving all these areas. The plan is to consolidate both business to the one location by June 2011.

Update November 2012.

We have had several expansions with our warehousing now up to 7000sqft and 5000sqft of concrete pad outside and continue to grow. In 2012, the Recycling Center increased plastic sales over %400 and cardboard %25. We purchased a Semi truck and have continued to add van trailers now up to 8 spotted at different factories. We have added new factories in Clarksville and have expanded into Bowling Green. As we move forward and try to define our niche and region, we look to a total program for those factories to provide an avenue for all of their recyclable material. We have developed relationships with other companies that help us to be able to handle any size account and move our company forward.


Just a few cardboard facts.  Over 85% of all products that are sold in the US are packed in cardboard!  That is a lot of cardboard being used.  Cardboard comes from pulp which is extracted from trees.  Recycling cardboard reduces the production process by half so that will reduce the amount of hazardous materials used in production process and obviously reduces the trees that have to be cut.

    For our cardboard customers we are spotting trailers, balers, van trailers, leasing compactors and provide baling wire.  We are purchasing loose cardboard delivered to our facility at 25% of market price.  We also purchase bales. Contact us and we can help you handle your cardboard disposal.We currently process approximately 150 tons of cardboard a month through our baler.  We use an International LD SD 60 that produces about a 1200lb bale.
Besides easily recognizable paper products (e.g, writing paper or paper towels), more than 5,000 products can be made from recycled paper, including:
  • Masking tape
  • Paper money
  • Globes
  • Bandages
  • Dust masks
  • Hospital gowns
  • Coffee filters
  • Lamp shades
  • Car insulation
  • Animal bedding
  • Planting pots for seedlings
  • Egg cartons


There are many types of plastics that can be recycled now.  The most common is the plastic bottle.  We are currently working with several factories developing a plastic recycling program for their waste shrink wrap, bags, and plastic bottles.  If you have any plastics they most likely can be recycled!

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Company Services
  • Paper Recycling
  • Cardboard Recycling
  • Plastics Recycling
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Yard Locations

7635 Pembroke Rd
Pembroke, Kentucky
United States
ZIP: 42266

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