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Mill Valley Refuse Service

112 Front Street, San Rafael, California, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Mill Valley Refuse Service began operation as the "Mill Valley Garbage Company" in 1906, and we have served Mill Valley and other southern Marin communities continuously since then. We are a private, family-owned and operated company, with three of the owners pictured below having taken over from their fathers, who operated the company since the 1960s.

For many years, the company's trucks were located on a site that is now the location of the Mill Valley Middle School, and an office on Miller Ave. in Mill Valley. In 1972, we moved to a relatively undeveloped area (at the time) on East Francisco Blvd. in San Rafael near the entrance to the Richmond Bridge. Around 1975, when our friends from Marin Sanitary Service moved into their new headquarters on Anderson Dr., MVRS took over Marin Sanitary's old site on 112 Front St. in San Rafael, and have been there ever since.

The Owners of MVRS

(from left to right) Dave Biggio, Dave Della Zoppa, James Iavarone, Ray Dami

The Shop and Yard Crew

(from left to right) Kelvin (Shop Manager), Jose, Rich, Miguel, John and Carlos. Note: Carlos’s son, Carlos Jr., also works in the yard and is the photographer who took this and many other photos on this website.

The Office

(from left to right) Rebecca (Office Manager), Mary, Danielle, Ashley, Debra, and Jennifer (Finance Manager)


The Previous Generation

Former owners Dave Biggio, Romolo Iavarone and Chut (Julio) Dami at a company picnic in 1985. Each of their sons have taken over their shares of the company business.

Mill Valley

For many years, the yard that stored our trucks was located where Mill Valley Middle School is now located. At that time, our office was on Miller Ave.

The Move to San Rafael

From 1972 to 1975 Mill Valley Refuse Service was located in what was a mostly undeveloped area on East Francisco Blvd. in San Rafael near the entrance to the Richmond Bridge.

The Current Location

In 1975 the company moved to its current location in San Rafael on 112 Front St. The recycling-themed logo, designed by Henry Breuer in 1973, still adorns the side of our building.

Garbage Service
Collected weekly
Can(s) must be at the street by 6:00 a.m. on your designated pickup day
Rates & Pick Up Information

Residential rates include the weekly pickup of garbage, recycling and compost cans, plus a limited number of free curbside cleanups (see info on curbside cleanup below). The rates and terms and conditions for each area we service are listed on the right.

For information on lifeline and/or low-income rates, see the Terms and Conditions for the area in which you live, or give our office a call.

Service Levels

There are three levels of garbage services available for residential customers depending on whether you bring your cans to the street or if you want our drivers to come onto your property to pick up and return your cans.

On-Premise Service is defined as cans visible from the street, no more than 25 feet from the street, and accessible to a wheeled cart (no steps allowed). The rate is an additional $5 per can, per month. The can will be left empty at the street unless you request it be returned for an additional $5 per can, per month.
Curbside Service is defined as cans 1 to 5 feet from the street (or in an MVRS designated location). We will also pick up trash cans from inside a trash enclosure, provided it is within 5 feet from the street. This is the base rate for garbage service.
On-Premise Plus Service is defined as cans not visible from the street, more than 25 feet from the street, up or down any number of stairs or in a location not accessible to our wheeled cart. The fee is an additional $15 per can, per month. The can will be left empty at the street unless you request it be returned for an additional $15 per can per month.
When you sign up for our garbage service, a representative will review these options with you and help you determine which one is right for you. If you have any questions, please call our office at 415-457-9760 during office hours Mon – Fri between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Exemption for Eldery or Disabled Customers
If you are unable to bring your trash can to the curb because you are elderly (defined as 70 years or older) or disabled, simply download the Exemption Form, sign and return it to us. We will help you find a mutually agreeable location on your property where you can place your trash can for our drivers to collect at the regular curbside rate.

Curbside Trash Exemption Form

Our new on-premise services and rates were developed based on a study we conducted on how similar trash services were performed by other companies throughout Marin and the Bay Area. For the complete story about why MVRS has chosen to move to curbside trash service, read the Curbside and On-Premise Service Proposal (pdf).

Garbage Cans

Residential customers must supply their own 20, 32 or 45-gallon can. Each size has its own rate. NO 50-gallon cans are allowed. Many of our service areas are split into designated "Hill" or "Flat" areas, and rates vary depending on the area in which a residence is located.

Multi-unit residences (defined as residential housing with four or more units) are charged a minimum of one 32-gallon can per unit. An exception to this rule may apply if the multi-unit residence is an Active Participant in food waste composting service. Details of this exception are on our Compost Services page and in your area's Terms and Conditions (click on appropriate link to your right).

There is a 60 lb. weight limit per can. Heavy cans must be lightened and special pickup charges may apply.

If you have any extra trash that does not fit inside your regular can(s), please call at least a day before your pickup and speak with a representative to place an order for the extra pickup. Additional charges will apply.

Wheeled Trash Carts for Sale
For about a year, MVRS offered wheeled 20 and 32-gallon trash cans for sale as a convenience to customers who wanted these sizes of cans, but could not find them in stores with wheels. We are discontinuing this offer, however, because we are not really well suited as a retail business, and we have found that these cans are now more readily available through regular retail outlets.

Click on the following links for sources for 32 and 45-gallon cans with wheels:

32-gallon cans
45-gallon cans
Wheeled Trash Carts for Sale

Please note that you do not have to buy a specific style of can, as we will pick up any style or brand of can—with or without lift bars and wheels— as long as it is the appropriate size (20, 32 or 45 gallon).

We are out of 32-gallon size cans now, but will continue selling 20-gallon cans until we are out of stock.

You may still order a 20-gallon wheeled trash can (as shown on the right) from us by logging in to our Account Services page or by calling our office. We will deliver your new trash can to your home within one week of your order with NO delivery fees. The price is $46.76 each plus sales tax. Payment is expected at time of order by Visa or MasterCard.



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Company Services
  • Garbage
  • Composting
  • Recycling
  • Street Sweeping
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(415) 457-9760
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Yard Locations

112 Front Street
San Rafael, California
United States
ZIP: 94901
(415) 457-9760

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Tuesday at 7:00 am)
TuesdayFrom 7:00 am To 3:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 7:00 am To 3:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 7:00 am To 3:00 pm
FridayFrom 7:00 am To 3:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 7:00 am To 3:00 pm
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