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13 Roszel Road, Suite C201, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
Scrap Metal Processors and Traders
MGK International, Inc. located at Princeton, New Jersey is part of the prestigious MTC (Mehta Trading Company) Group based in Mumbai, India. The MTC Group has been in Ferrous, Non-Ferrous & Ferro Alloy scrap metal trade business for the past 40 years and has extensive reach with branches all over India, Dubai, Singapore, London, Europe and USA. The MTC group is listed on the ISRI website as MTC Business Pvt. Ltd. . MTC Group’s annual turnover during '08-'09. exceeded $ 400 millions. In addition to scrap metal trading, the Group has around 14 processing facilities all over India where they process, pack, segregate and sell variety of scrap metal. The Group currently trades over 70,000 Metric Ton/month of scrap metal globally and is currently trying to expand the trade operations from its recently established office located in Princeton, New Jersey.
In order to meet the needs of our Customers in an efficient and expeditious manner, MGK International was established in July 2007. During the short span of time, the company has made rapid strides. From a humble beginning we have already achieved a volume of 30,000 tons a month of Metal Scrap exports to India and the Far East primarily from the east coast of USA. We are actively buying from direct yard owners & traders on a FAS/FOB/CNF basis loaded in containers or in bulk loaded on a ship at their nearest ports. Apart from this , we also process when it’s needed and ship directly to the end user depending on their specific requirements
Employee Qualification:
Every one employed at MGK is highly qualified with either an Masters Degree in Science or an equivalent MBA degree. The company has also set an minimum eligibility requirements to hire new employee and will only consider either a Masters Degree in Engineering/Science or equivalent of MBA in major such as Marketing or Finance.
Market Potential
US exports up to 20% of the scrap it produces and this has gone up substantially in last 5 years and is poised to grow further as developing countries increases their consumption
US Domestic Ferrous Market: $8 billion industry, 60 million tons year ferrous scrap, 4700 scrap processors, 100+ steel mills, 700 foundries, 219 shredders
We look to the future with renewed enthusiasm borne out of our experience of the past and a vision of things to come for the future. In the ensuing scenario for the future we envision an expanded product base and newer markets of the developing countries being catered to from the ports on the west & east coasts of United States. We recognize the immense potential which lies ahead in the recognition that we have only scratched the surface yet.
Our vast geographical presence ensures that we can react quickly to the dynamic shifts constantly experienced in the international scrap market. We are not tied to a particular market or a particular trade flow. We survive by being quick and flexible and taking advantage of market shifts
}At present, we are shipping over 1500 containers a month from all over USA with consignments going mainly to countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand . With excellent working relationships with shipping lines, freight forwarders. trucking companies, railways, and stevedores through the world, the company is able to bring logistical support to ensure stable and consistent delivery of scrap worldwide and fulfillment of all parties contractual obligations.
Customer Focus Services
Vendor Focus Services
13 Roszel Road, Suite C201 Princeton, New Jersey United States ZIP: 08540 |
(201) 332-5645 (646) 843-4704 hjain@mgkint.com |
7676 hillmont, Suite 108 Houston, Texas United States ZIP: 77040 |
(201) 332-5645 (646) 843-4704 hjain@mgkint.com |