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Magnus Environmental Corp

220 Marsh Lane , New Castle, Delaware, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

In 1995 Magnus Environmental, a Delaware Corporation, was founded to rid the area of the increasingly difficult and dangerous scrap-tire problem in an increasingly environmentally-conscious society.Magnus is dedicated to providing high-quality service to source and end-use customers, continually seeking more affordable and earth-friendly products for the recycled material and continuous cleanup of the environment.The company is a full-service tire recycler. Noted for our outstanding service, Magnus Environmental not only collects tires from vendors, but also performs cleanups of hazardous, decades-old tire pile sites.

Roughly 21.1 million used tires have been collected and recycled into usable end products by Magnus Environmental Corporation over the past 15 years. Over 4.6 million tires from tire piles and cleanup projects have been cleaned up by Magnus Environmental Corporation since 1996. Magnus has performed these cleanup projects for towns, counties, and states throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, with twelve such cleanups in New Jersey alone. These cleanups were performed in locations of various conditions - overgrown, in woods, down gullies, and waterlogged fields; yet always completed on-time or earlier than predicted. Magnus Environmental's record and efficiency proved so reliable that we were awarded the cleanup of the tires remaining from the Philadelphia / I-95 Tire Fire.In addition to these tire pile cleanups, we have recycled over 16.5 million tires in our every-day collection operations since 1995. All of these tires, from cleanups and from our everyday operations, have been successfully processed into end-products and sold. Out of these 21.1 million tires that we have recycled, over 150,000 tons of tire chips were used as Civil Engineering Material for civil engineering projects.

We produce numerous top-quality products for civil engineering and recreation applications. Magnus is a leading producer of Civil Engineering Material and is spearheading its increasing uses in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.Magnus Environmental was founded to help rid the region of the increasingly difficult and dangerous scrap-tire problem while producing highly efficient and low-cost civil engineering products.100% of all tires we collect are recycled to produce the number of useful end products serving multiple markets. None of the tires' components are added to the waste cycle. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, cost-effective services and products to our customers and to continuing the effort to clean up the environment.

Our tire collection process is two-pronged: tire collection and large-scale tire pile cleanups. We have traditionally sourced tires from new and used tire vendors, state and local governments, and individual entities and other businesses that generate scrap tires.

Why Recycle Tires

Discarded used tires present a huge stress on our landfills and environment as bulky, insect breeding, and non-biodegradable material. It is believed that there are millions of tires in dumps throughout the United States. Vacant lots, roadsides, dumps, and landfills become filled with scrap tires; and due to the chemical nature of rubber tires, they do not simply break down over time, but become a permanent part of the landscape. For example, on a recent construction project, a Firestone tire produced in 1928 was found in usable condition.

As automobiles continue to be a permanent part of the landscape, so too with tires. Mountains of tires pile up on dumpsites and landfills, roadsides, vacant lots, parking lots, and junkyards. Not only are these piles unsightly, they also pose a severe health hazard. Rats set up virtual cities in the millions of hiding places that tire piles provide. Tire piles are a frightening fire hazard, which once ignited generate fires that can burn for days causing severe environmental damage and often necessitating the evacuation of local residents. The burning of the tires breaks the normally unbreakable chemical bond in the rubber, releasing the tires' chemical components. Further, the runoff from the extinguishing water, rainwater, and the charred tires results in additional environmental damage as contaminants seep into the water table.

Of the greatest concern lately, are the mosquitoes that breed rampantly in the rainwater collected in the tire piles. Mosquitoes carry and spread many diseases, including the West Nile Virus, which has caused deaths in animals, livestock, and humans. Health officials and citizens alike are growing more concerned with the threat of this virus and look at tire piles as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and the disease itself. Preventing all of these threats starts with cleaning up and eliminating the source.

  • 280 million scrap tires are generated annually in the US
  • 8.4 million are generated annually in New Jersey
  • 840,000 are generated annually in Delaware
  • 12 million are generated annually in Pennsylvania
  • 20 million are generated annually in the Tri-State area
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  • Tire Recycling
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Yard Locations

220 Marsh Lane
New Castle, Delaware
United States
ZIP: 19720

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