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L.Gordon Iron and Metal Co

1300 Salisbury Rd, Statesville, North Carolina, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

L. Gordon Iron and Metal Co. of Statesville, North Carolina, has earned a distinction not only in the scrap industry, but is also recognized nationally as model family business. In 1999, L. Gordon Iron & Metal was recogonized by the Duke University Family Business Forum for North Carolina and awarded Mass Mutual’s National Family Business of the Year award. The award is given based on business success, multiple generational involvement, contribution to the community, innovative business practices, and stewardship for the environment.

Founded in 1917, L. Gordon Iron & Metal is dedicated to loyal and expanding customer services and lasting relationships. Today, the company remains focused, as members of such organizations as The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and The Recycling Association of North Carolina, on the positive impacts on the environment, economy, and global trade while realizing the need for community involvement and a shared evironmental responsibility.


Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloys, High-Temp Alloys, Tungsten, Tool Steel, Titanium, Turnings/Shavings and more. Materials can be analyzed for conclusive analysis


Automobile Bodies, Appliances and Tin, Busheling, Turnings/Shavings, Cast Iron, Misc. Steel


Industrial, Residential, and Commercial: Luggar boxes (10-22 yd), Roll-off (20-60 yd), Open-top trailers (4 foot side and 7 foot side), Flat-bed trailers, Smaller dump hoppers, pallets and boxes


In January 2013, L. Gordon Iron & Metal opened an additional location, within a mile of its existing location, to handle more non-ferrous materials and aluminum beverage cans more efficiently and effectively

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Company Services
  • Ferrous Specialities
  • Non-ferrous Ferrous
  • Trailer Container Services
  • Monroe Street Facility
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(704) 873-9004
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Yard Locations

1300 Salisbury Rd
Statesville, North Carolina
United States
ZIP: 28625
(704) 873-9004
(704) 873-9999

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