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Larose Scrap & Salvage

107 Nolan Rd, Broussard, Louisiana, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

LaRose Scrap & Salvage, Inc. (LaRose) is a Louisiana corporation established in November, 1990.  The company was originally operated as a complimentary company to Cummings Oilfield Equipment Inc.; and operated with only one location and 7 employees.  Today LaRose has 50+ employees operating from multiple facilities and generating revenues of approximately nine million dollars annually, and is the "Flag Ship" of the LaRose Companies. LaRose primarily services the Gulf Coast Region. 

LaRose’s operations are primarily conducted at their facilities in Houma, Louisiana and Intracoastal City, Louisiana.  In 2006, LaRose began performing the majority of its equipment maintenance at its newly established mechanic shop located in Broussard, Louisiana. LaRose’s administrative functions are conducted at their Broussard, Louisiana offices, which are strategically located in relation to their operational facilities and their supply and customer bases. 

LaRose has achieved its growth primarily through internal expansions into strategic geographic markets, as well as providing exceptional and often “out-of-the-box” services to both new and existing customers.  A second factor which has allowed LaRose to excel in its market place is the use of modern technology, coupled with the acquisition of equipment which makes the company more efficient in its unloading, loading, cutting and marketing of product.  This use of equipment and technology has lowered the internal cost of operations for the company, and expedited the revenue process.  An additional factor contributing to LaRose's growth and market positioning has been proper fiscal management.  Through proper fiscal management, LaRose was positioned to survive, re-build after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and is now poised to prosper from the incredible scrap and salvage volumes produced by the storms, all without incurring significant additional debt.  LaRose now finds itself positioned as one of the largest and most well respected companies in its industry.  LaRose has been able to develop a specific niche for handling large scrap products that many of its competitors are not capable of handling safely and profitably, and is currently positioned for future growth and expansions.

The LaRose Companies have a vision of strong growth for the immediate term, coupled with strategic growth patterns for the long term.  The Companies’ future strategies include expanding service capabilities in order to enhance value related to existing customers, increasing market share by seeking new suppliers and customers, and evaluating the potential for expanding into new markets and into new regions. The LaRose Companies have long used superior equipment and technology to solidify their position as a leader in the scrap and salvage industry.  The companies intend to continue to use this strategy to attract and retain customers, as well as pursue new markets.

A native of South Louisiana and the sole stockholder of the LaRose Companies.  Mr. Cummings also owns the facilities occupied by the LaRose Companies in Houma and Intracostal City, Louisiana.  Mr. Cummings has been working in the scrap and salvage industry since 1987.  Mr. Cummings has worked in, and has a through understanding of all aspects of the industry, including operations, sales, and executive positions.  Mr. Cummings has owned and operated companies in the scrap and salvage industry since founding Cummings Oilfield Equipment, Inc. in 1988. In this time, he has also owned various other entities involved in commercial real estate rentals, commercial equipment rentals, real estate development, and farming activities. Mr. Cummings is currently the President and Chief Operating officer of the LaRose Companies, LaRose Enterprises, Inc., and various other real estate related entities. In addition to these positions, Mr. Cummings is also extremely active in the sales, marketing and promotion aspects of the LaRose Companies, as well as all financial aspects of the companies. 


LaRose’s principal business activity is the acquisition of damaged or used platforms, pipes, valves, and vessels from oil and gas explorations companies for the purpose of scrapping . Scrapped items are broken down into saleable unit sizes for resell on the open metal market. LaRose uses specific technologies to determine metal content to ensure proper marketing of these items and to achieve the best pricing, LaRose has varied and consistent sources of supply and many longstanding customers interested in the acquisition of its product.

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  • Scrap And Recycled Materials
  • Scrapping
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Yard Locations

107 Nolan Rd
Broussard, Louisiana
United States
ZIP: 70518
9724 Purvis Theall Rd
Abbeville, Louisiana
United States
ZIP: 70510
305 Dickson Rd
Houma, Louisiana
United States
ZIP: 70363

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