This service is only available to US clients.
820 N. 42nd St, Springfield, Oregon, United States
At Lane Forest Products, we have worked diligently over the past 29 years to provide the foundational products needed to create the most spectacular landscapes and to grow the most abundant gardens. Locally we are known for producing quality mulch products along with Planting Soils, Compost, Decorative Rock, and more. But behind the scenes, we manufacture and distribute organic materials to businesses like ours and nurseries throughout Oregon and California.We also operate a licensed garbage and recycling collection company called Action Drop Box in the city of Eugene OR. and market a compost processing and cleaning machine called the Airlift Separator worldwide. We have also become a leader in the recycling of yard debris, wood debris, rock, and concrete.
No matter what we do, we feel that customer service with a quality product is our main priority, our staff understands that, and come from the position of genuinely wanting to be helpful. We are family-run business that strives to provide memorable customer service and exceptional products, while employing over 140 families.
Our business straddles many functions, all in the world of living organic materials. We control the entire process from raw material acquisition, to manufacturing, customized blending, sales on all levels, distribution, wholesale, retail, marketing and delivery. To do this, we have built an infrastructure to accommodate the development and delivery of each product. We are determined to create products that produce excellent results; we strive to be innovative, practical and sustainable in all areas of product development. We believe everyone wins when we recycle Yard Debris and Wood Waste and have made it easy for the public to participate by making our retail yards easily accessible.We also believe everyone should be able to experience growing a flower or vegetable — from a balcony planter to a backyard garden or a farmer’s field, all of our products are accessible, By the Bag, By the Bucket, By the Pick-Up Truck, Delivered by Dump Truck, by Rail Car, Semi-Truck or Blown in place. We remain open year round and our motto is ‘For every season there’s a reason to come to Lane.
Our recycling program demonstrates a commitment to the community and to the environment. Huge volumes of material that were once sent off to landfills can now be brought to our retail yards in Eugene and Springfield so that they can be turned into valuable, reusable materials. Service counts – pull in and we’ll help you unload at the best prices around!
Custom Mixing to suit your exacting specifications is our strength; we know quality and consistency is what counts, and our staff take great pride in delivering this expectation mix after mix to ensure the best outcome for you.Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a quote on your custom mix. Quoted material prices older than 30 days are subject to change. Our estimate will be based on the current average number of units delivered, applicable delivery charges and fees. The actual total price will vary due to the weight and volume. If you have any questions please give us a call at (541) 345-9085.
Lane Forest Products is involved in Reforestation, Land Development and Viable Clean Energy production. We offer clean and efficient grinding of woody biomass from logged or forested sites.
We can coordinate the entire project, condensing, processing and transporting the woody biomass. We take your logging slash and grind it on site to be used as fuel, redistributed as organic matter or simply hauled away. By sending your woody biomass to a clean energy boiler, you can reduce particulate emissions from pile burning by over 100 times.
Brownfield Remediation
Lane Forest Products is an experienced site facilitator of brownfield remediation. Hired to expedite the re-purposing of brownfield or previously used industrial sites for re-use, Lane Forest can process discarded industrial matter which can then be screened, separated, and cleaned.
Custom Blending to Order
Lane Forest Products has established a reputation for providing the best possible products at competitive prices. What keeps our customers coming back is our commitment to great service. Whether you are a small or large outfit with a variety of needs, we can help. From Bark to Peat Moss, Pumice, and special blends, we can provide what you need for the perfect growing medium.
At Lane Forest Products, we want to give you no less than exceptional customer service. Whether you’d like your order delivered, blown in place, picked up, by the bag or even specific amounts by the bucket, we like to make it as flexible as possible. Lane Forest LCB #7762.Once you have used this service and experienced the immediate transformation of your yard with no effort, we’re convinced you’ll never spread mulch, lawn seed or planting soil by hand again! Using our service is especially helpful when you have areas that are set back from the street, on a slope, or over a barrier. We can even blow material on rooftop gardens!We offer Blower Service for our Mulch, Soil Amendments, Planting Soils, and Lane Soil & Seed. Rock and gravel are not available by blower service with the exception of our 3/8 River Rock.
820 N. 42nd St Springfield, Oregon United States ZIP: 97477 |
541-345-9085 NS lane@laneforest.com |
3409 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon United States ZIP: 97403 |
541-345-9085 NS lane@laneforest.com |
2111 Prairie Rd Eugene, Oregon United States ZIP: 97402 |
541-345-9085 NS lane@laneforest.com |
Tuesday | From 7:30 am To 5:00 pm |
Wednesday | From 7:30 am To 5:00 pm |
Thursday | From 7:30 am To 5:00 pm |
Friday | From 7:30 am To 5:00 pm |
Saturday | From 7:30 am To 5:00 pm |
Sunday | From 7:30 am To 5:00 pm |
From 10:00 am To 4:00 pm |