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Laclede Computer Trading Co

60 Grasso Plaza , St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Discover top-quality computer repairs and electronic recycling services from the professionals at Laclede Computer Trading Company in Saint Louis, Missouri. Our team of experts is always ready to offer knowledgeable, friendly, and personable services, all at competitive prices. Rely on the professionals at Laclede Computer Trading Company and let us put our service experience to use for you.

Computer & Electronic Recycling

  • Laclede Computer Trading Company gladly welcomes any electronics you may wish to recycle, working or non-working. We have a strict no-landfill policy, and recycle electronics in a safe and non-hazardous way; through this process, we hope to save the environment from unnecessary waste.

  • CRT Monitors - We can recycle CRT monitors up to 19" in size. There is a $15 fee. We have to pay to recycle them as well, in addition to storing and transporting them. All CRT monitors will end up in EPA and/or Missouri Department of Natural Resources approved site.

  • CRT Television - We are sorry, but we can no longer accept CRT televisions for recycle. The fees we incur have been increasing and increasing. We feel we can no longer provide this service at a fair price to our customers. We suggest you look at the Missouri Department of Natural Resources website to find an electronics recycling event in your area.

  • LCD / LED Monitors and Televisions - We will be glad to accept LCD & LED monitors and televisions at no charge.

Data Security

Our company also firmly believes in full data destruction, ensuring that no personal data from any customer leaves the premises intact. All hard drives are either physically damaged beyond use or formatted to Department of Defense standards. If you are a business considering recycling or disposal of your equipment, we have special programs in place to nensure your data will be securely destroyed.

Examples of items we accept: Computers, laptops, printers, scanners, cameras, cables, DVD players, Stereos, Radios, VCRs, Record Players, UPS battery backups, speakers, music equipment, and more. If you have something you are not sure about, feel free to call and ask if what you have is an item we can recycle for you.

Computer Repair & Service

At Laclede Computer Trading Company, we understand the frustration of having a broken or sick computer in today's digital age. Our professional staff can help! We are competitively priced, and our expertise is never surpassed by the constant evolution of new hardware and software bugs. Call during store hours and describe a problem that you're having, and our friendly staff will help you take the right path to recovering your PC.

Retail Sales

At Laclede Computer Trading Company, we offer used and new merchandise to customers. All used items are sold with a standard 5 business day warranty, and new items are covered under manufacturers warranty. 

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Company Services
  • Computer Recycling
  • Electronic Recycling
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Yard Locations

60 Grasso Plaza
St. Louis, Missouri
United States
ZIP: 63123

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Wednesday at 9:00 am)
WednesdayFrom 9:00 am To 5:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 9:00 am To 5:00 pm
FridayFrom 9:00 am To 5:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 9:00 am To 5:00 pm
SundayFrom 9:00 am To 2:00 pm
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