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KD Recycling

134 Lake Nosbonsing Road, Callander, Ontario, Canada

Memberships : NA
About Yard

FREE pick up of unwanted electronics and appliances for recycling

Not so long ago, when we were finished with an item, big or small, into the garbage it went. Consciousness of the environmental impact and realizing that we just cannot keep clogging the landfills has resulted in better management of our waste. Enter KD Recycling.This business grew out of a need recognized by Steve Bon when running his property management and repair company. He saw lots of items going to the dump and decided to change that by providing a recycling and reuse option to consumers.

KD Recycling is now entering its 7th year of business and busier than ever. They will pick up your unwanted TV’s, Computers, Monitor’s, Cell Phones, washers, dryers, stoves, outboard motors, campers, air conditioners, motorcycles, and other items too numerous to mention all for free, as long as it has a 75% metal make up. They also pick up Fridges and freezers, but there is a $20 refrigeration reclamation fee to remove the refrigerant. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you are unsure about a certain item.All items are processed locally, creating jobs and saving the landfill. Components are separated, categorized and sent to various recycling facilities locally and around Ontario. All refrigerants are reclaimed and processing is done indoors, allowing for next to no environmental impact. Staff is certified in Ozone Depletion Prevention, Transport of Dangerous Goods, WHMIS and propane handling. Brand new, state of the art reclaiming equipment is used. KD Recycling is a member of the Ontario Electronic Stewardship Program and all electronics are disposed of in the proper manner.

They will pick up your item placed outside, but not at the curb, and a fridge magnet is left so that you know KD Recycling was there and your item will be properly disposed of.The pick up is FREE in North Bay and surrounding area but KD Recycling will go further, just give them a call.You can also drop off your items anytime to 134 Lake Nosbonsing Road, Callander.

Electronics may be dropped off at the free electronics recycling depot sponsored by Mister Transmission located at 625 Lakeshore Drive Monday to Friday between 8am - 5pm.Businesses that sell or service all electronics and appliances etc are invited to call for pick up of unwanted items also.

KD Recycling is equipped to handle large items with their trucks and trailers and can pick up 30,000lbs in a single load. Residential, commercial or industrial, big or small pickups, all are handled professionally, promptly and often picked up the same day you call.You can rest assured that your data will be secure and item will be recycled or reused and enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that you are not contributing to a negative environmental impact. And for FREE!

Give KD Recycling a call today at 705-499-7460 and clear out your unwanted items.


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Company Services
  • Metal Recycling
  • Appliance Metal Recycling
  • Electronics Metal Recycling
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Yard Locations

134 Lake Nosbonsing Road
Callander, Ontario
705 499-7460
705 752 5915
1544 Firestone Blvd
Los Angeles, California
United States
ZIP: 90001
(818) 919-0505

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