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J.D. Beavers Recycling

7676 Rushton Road , Brighton, Michigan, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Recycling metal is not only good for your bottom line but it’s also good for the environment.  By recycling, the steel industry annually saves the equivalent energy to power about 18 million homes for a year.  Recycling one ton of steel conserves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone. If you generate 1,000 lbs a month or a 1,000,000 lbs we can get you the right size container for your business needs. We service all size scrap generators, brake and muffler shops, auto and truck repair, specialty manufactures, machine shops, tool and die, assembly plants and others.

We reverse the manufacturing process, separate and sort the various grades of metal for shipment.  Although our primary source of material is derived from our industrial accounts, we do accept drive in drop offs from the public.  As a leader in the scrap metal processing industry, we guarantee a prompt, professional, ethical and environmentally safe approach to handling your material.Our metal processing facility is equipped with certified digital weight scales, metal processing equipment, and material handling equipment.  We can offer guaranteed destruction certificates for sensitive parts or machinery.  We also offer pick up and drop off container service for industrial accounts.Scrap metal reclamation programs can add an untapped revenue stream for business.  Our recycling experts are available to your company to help devise a maximum revenue generating scrap program.We offer fair accurate pricing for your metal.  We monitor the Comex and London Metal Exchanges for up to the minute pricing changes. We also monitor all metal related news as it happens through the Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Reuters and News Week reports.  Our goal is to get you the best price for your material.  As a worldwide exporter of metals we can seek out the best market for your metal.Recycling metal is not only good for your bottom line but it’s also good for the environment.  By recycling, the steel industry annually saves the equivalent energy to power about 18 million homes for a year.  Recycling one ton of steel conserves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone.

Good For Your Bottom Line and the Environment

  • Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours—or the equivalent of half a gallon of gasoline.
  • During the time it takes you to read this sentence, 50,000 12-oz aluminum cans are made.
    350,000 aluminum cans are produced every minute.
  • If we recycle the aluminum trash that Americans throw away we could rebuild the entire U.S. airline fleet every 3 months.
  • We use over 80,000,000,000 aluminum pop cans every year.
  • It is estimated that since 1972 some 16 million tons of aluminum cans have been recycled. These 785.6 billion aluminum cans placed end-to-end could stretch to the moon more than 249 times.
  • Tin takes 100 years to break down, aluminum takes 500 years.
  • The weight of aluminum cans recycled in 1996 was equal to the weight of 14 aircraft carriers 983,709 tons.
  • Americans throw away enough steel to continuously supply all nation’s automakers.
  • Recycling steel reduces air pollution, and water pollution and requires 70% less energy than producing it from raw materials.
  • A 60-watt light bulb can be run for over a day on the amount of energy saved by recycling 1-lb of steel.
  • In one year in the United States recycling of steel saves enough energy to heat and light 18,000,000 homes.
  • More than 20,000,000 Hershey’s Kisses are wrapped each day, using 133 square miles of tinfoil. All that foil is recyclable.
  • Since 1972, Americans have recycled 37 billion lbs., or 1,099 trillion, aluminum cans, and have earned over $25billion by recycling aluminum beverage cans.
  • Every 3 seconds, a baby is born. In that time, 140 cans are born.


J.D. Beavers Company is committed to following the R2 Practices and to maintain conformance to the requirements of our EH&S management system. We are equally committed to meet or exceed our customer requirements, to continually improve our processes, to prevent pollution and work place injuries, and to maintain compliance with relevant environmental and Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. The goal of J.D. Beavers Company’s operation is to have a positive impact on the environment through responsible recycling practices that includes the conservation of metals, plastic and other non-renewable resources. Consistent with these core operations, it is J.D. Beavers Company’s overall goal to accomplish our business objectives while meeting and exceeding the environmental and health & safety expectations of our management, employees, customers, suppliers and regulators.

We will continually improve our systems while striving to minimize adverse impacts on the environment by managing used and end-of-life electronic equipment, components and materials –with respect to both on-site activities and the selection of downstream vendors - using a “reuse, recover, dispose” hierarchy of responsible management strategies. 

To achieve the above statement of this EH&S and other objectives, J.D. Beavers Company is committed to:

  • Ensuring that these policies are appropriate to our operations and the potential environmental impacts and health and safety risks;
  •  Complying with all relevant EH& S legal requirements, customer and product requirements, industry guidelines and any other EH&S commitments made by J.D. Beavers Company;
  •  Striving for continual improvement;
  •  Preventing work place injuries;
  •  Providing the framework for establishing EH&S goals;
  •  Increasing customer satisfaction;
  • Preventing of pollution;
  •  Ensuring that our system and policies are communicated and understood by all employee’s; and
  •  Ensuring that this EH&S policy is reviewed and amended as necessary for continued suitability.

We recognize that the responsibility for protection of the environment and worker health & safety are shared, requiring cooperation between employees and top management. J.D. Beavers Company will continually improve our environmental performance through responsible recycling practices. This will include setting goals, taking into consideration our business, financial, operational and legal requirements as well as the views of interested parties.

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Company Services
  • Alluminum Recycling
  • Copper Recycling
  • Stainless Steel Recycling
  • Lead Recycling
  • Electronics Recycling
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Yard Locations

7676 Rushton Road
Brighton, Michigan
United States
ZIP: 48116

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Operating Hours

CLOSED (Opens today at 8:30 am)
TuesdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:00 pm
FridayFrom 8:30 am To 5:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:00 pm
SundayFrom 9:00 am To 1:00 pm
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