Greenway Recycling is the leader in construction and demolition debris recycling in the Tampa Bay marketplace. We accomplish this by providing a convenient location, efficient disposal and cost effective methods for waste haulers, demolition contractors, general contractors and developers to dispose of their construction and demolition (C&D) debris.
There are several advantages for using Greenway as your solution for disposal of C&D waste:
Cost Savings
Wouldn't your company like to lower total disposal cost? The expense associated with waste disposal has long been accepted as a price of doing business in the construction industry. As land in Florida becomes scarcer, waste disposal costs continue to rise. New regulations have resulted in much stricter requirements for C&D disposal sites in Florida and are leading to an increase in tipping fees at these disposal sites. Consequentially, setting up an effective method NOW to minimize materials to the landfill will continue to reduce the total cost to you over time.
Many building, renovation, hauling and demolition contractors consider reliable and convenient services as important - if not more important - than cost. The amount of time and energy you end up spending on waste management is all the incentive needed to make the move from conventional practice to a more efficient approach. Our collection facility is centrally located in the heart of Pinellas County, near the Gateway district. It is equidistant from the three cities that make up our market - Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater.
We're certain you understand the long term advantages that reduced liability provides. If a new waste management process can be shown to reduce a company's legal exposure for waste generated, it can be a strong incentive for considering a new alternative.
Greater distinction in the marketplace and increased business are strong incentives for construction and demolition firms to embrace new approaches to C&D waste management. It would be hard to find firms that prefer traditional disposal to the alternatives we provide. The positive impact from responsible waste management and LEED Certified recycling programs are great marketing tools for you!
Construction and demolition industries are often among the least progressive of businesses, but it would be hard to find many firms that prefer traditional disposal to the alternatives Greenway provides. Waste reduction and recovery are often perceived and portrayed by contractors as "the right thing to do", and social or environmental responsibility can be a powerful force of change. Firms are beginning to realize that they are members of the wider community and must behave in an environmentally responsible fashion. In the end, we will all achieve environmental objectives as well as profit related objectives.
The movement towards green construction methods (LEED Certified building protocols), the closure of C&D landfills in urban areas, and the increased demand and value for the reuse of many C&D materials has accelerated the viability of companies that can successfully divert the stream of C&D waste from traditional landfills. Operating a successful Class III material recovery facility requires a central location in a populated urban area, a large capital investment in equipment and building, proficiency in the permitting process, and expertise in the construction and demolition industry. And we've got you covered! Our first major Class III material recovery facilities are right here in Pinellas County, the most densely populated county in Florida, with new facilites available in Polk County.
3035 Highway 92 East Lakeland, Florida United States ZIP: 33801 |
863-668-5402 863-668-5403 NS |
3741 126th Avenue North Clearwater, Florida United States ZIP: 33762 |
727-573-1110 727-573-1109 NS |