In today's super fast and ever growing daily business world, it's electronics that leads the way in creating this exponential growth. However, to remain competitive, the speed with which organizations must continuously upgrade their electronic equipment creates a new problem."What do we do with the old, outdated (or defective) equipment?"Most companies utilize far too many resources in storage facility, time management and executives stressing over this ongoing problem. Worries regarding ever changing Federal and State EPA regulations, adverse publicity to just "dumping" the waste, not to mention the liability issue of "sensitive data" remaining on hard drives, (and more) tends to make organizations storage area(s) of these products to keep growing larger and larger, taking away space for productivity. Furthermore, these products have very typically already been fully depreciated, leaving little, if any, redeemable financial value.Many companies are out there with many methods of accepting electronic waste. Most become very costly when the entire scope of your organizations expense in time and worry are included in the equation of their so-called E-waste fix.They will typically grab an organization with the proverbial "carrot" of paying for the "newer" of the products but charging for all the other older, obsolete, defective products as well as add on charges for accessories (mice, keyboards, etc), pick-up charges, service fees for hard drive data erasure, etc., etc., etc....As time progresses, the "newer" products tend to slip into the "older" category more and more often, causing what can (and has) turned into thousands of dollars of cost to the organization for the this disposal.Our electronics recycling facility is based in Ferndale, Michigan. All electronic equipment is delivered to our warehouse, then processed.This procedure involves equipment being inventoried, evaluated and classified as either for reuse or for recovery of raw materials and recycled.Recycling is a series of steps that takes a used material and processes, remanufactures, and sells it as a new product.
Our electronics recycling facility is based in Ferndale, Michigan. All electronic equipment is delivered to our warehouse, then processed. This procedure involves equipment being inventoried, evaluated and classified as either for reuse or for recovery of raw materials and recycled
No | Material Name |
Electronics | |
1 | Cell Phones |
2 | Keyboards / Mice |
3 | Laptops |
4 | LCD Monitor |
5 | Power Supplies |
6 | Printers |
7 | Servers |
8 | Tablets |