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Green Monster Recycling

150 Brook Street, West Hartford, Connecticut, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Green Monster e-Cycling, one of Connecticut’s first electronic recycling facilities, was founded in 2007. Green Monster had modest beginnings, working out of a garage in West Hartford.  The facility headquarters is now housed in a 20,000 SF processing center, and services everyone from home users to Fortune 500 companies.

Founder, Joe Galiatsatos, realized that literally tons of electronics were packing landfills locally, or being exported in an unsafe manner, so he took the initiative to do something about it.

Green Monster has a zero-landfill policy and abides by the strictest guidelines set forth by the EPA to de-manufacture, sort and recycle end-of-life electronics and in the safest and most ethical manner.

Each year Green Monster has been able to at minimum triple the amount of electronics recycled, preventing toxins from making their way into our environment, as well as putting precious resources back in to use for newly manufactured products.

Newly designed town programs, school and community programs, and increasing relations with commercial businesses means our services are making a greater difference day by day. Everyone should recycle their old electronics, and we are here to be your #1 Source to do so.

We’re proud to play a part in making our future a cleaner and safer place. If you want to be part of the Green Initiative as well, simply let others know they should recycle their e-waste and pass on our information.

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Company Services
  • Data Security
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Convenience
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Yard Locations

West Hartford, Connecticut
United States
ZIP: 06110

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Operating Hours

CLOSED (Opens today at 8:30 am)
TuesdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:30 pm
WednesdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:30 pm
ThursdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:30 pm
FridayFrom 8:30 am To 5:30 pm
SaturdayFrom 8:30 am To 5:30 pm
SundayFrom 9:00 am To 12:30 pm
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