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Faherty Incorporated

1120 Broadway Street, Platteville, Wisconsin, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

"The BEST Waste Disposal and Recycling Services in Grant, Iowa and Lafayette Counties"Faherty Incorporated has been family owned and operated since 1892 and is now in our 4th generation.

We service residential, commercial and industrial customers throughout Grant, Crawford, Iowa and Lafayette Counties:

  • Fluorescent Bulb Recycling
  • Transfer Station
  • Tire Recycling
  • Electronics Recycling & Computers
  • Special Pick-ups
  • Sharps Disposal (Medical)
  • Home Construction & Remodeling Left-Overs
  • Roofing & Building Materials
  • Trash Removal & Disposal
  • Garbage Removal
  • Confidential Paper Recycling
  • Lead Acid Battery Recycling
  • Compactor Service
  • Appliance Recycling
  • Educational Tours Available


  • recycling
  • waste management
  • garbage removal
  • new construction dumpsters
  • trash removal
  • educational tours
  • compactor service
  • appliance recycling
  • confidential paper recycling
  • electronics recycling

Roll-off Container Delivery and Pick-Up

  • Remodeling Jobs
  • Construction Waste Removal
  • General Clean-Up
  • Moving

Just let us know the size of container you need, and when and where to deliver it. When you’re finished with your project, we’ll pick up the bin and make disposal of the materials our problem, not yours!We also offer customized recycling collection for a variety of materials, including fiber, plastic bottles, glass, paper, and more!Call, fax or email us for details on how we can help with your next recycling or waste disposal.


  • PLASTICS:Household container plastics # I through #7 are recyclable. Plastic bags (grocery, newspaper, etc. – no black or brown bags) that are clean and dry should be placed inside a clear or transparent bag and tied shut; full bag should be no larger than a basketball. Plastic items that are not recyclable include: formed styrofoam, packing peanuts and oil bottles.

  • METALS:Tin and Aluminum Food, Beverage, and Aerosol cans, can be recycled. They should be empty and the plastic tops removed. Cardboard sided juice cans and paint cans are not recyclable. Small items of scrap metal may also be recycled (pots, pans, toasters, etc.), nothing smaller than 2 inches or larger than a basketball and weighing more than 10 lbs.

  • GLASS:Green , brown and clear bottles and jars only. Windows, mirrors, glassware, ceramics, and lightbulbs are not recyclable.

  • PAPER:Newspaper, magazines, office paper, phone books, paper milk and juice cartons and junk mail should be placed loose in the recycling bin. Tissue or paper towels, food and candy wrappers are not recyclable. Gift wrapping paper (non-foil type) is also recyclable.

  • CARDBOARD:All cardboard boxes including paperboard (cereal boxes, etc..) are recyclable. Wax and plastic coated cardboard are not recyclable. Please flatten boxes; pieces should be no larger than 3 feet by 3 feet.

Recycling Facts

  • Recycling diverted 1.7 billion pounds from landfills.
  • Aluminum cans distinguish themselves as the most recycled and most recyclable beverage container in the world. 105,784 cans are recycled every minute nationwide.
  • Recycling aluminum cans saves 95 percent of the energy used to make aluminum cans from virgin ore.
  • Glass containers are 100 percent recyclable, can be recycled endlessly and recovered glass is used as the majority ingredient in new glass containers.
  • Every ton of glass that is recycled results in one ton of raw materials saved to process new glass, including: 1,300 pounds of sand, 410 pounds of soda ash and 380 pounds of limestone.
  • In 2007, the amount of paper recovered for recycling averaged 360 pounds for every person in the United States.
  • For every ton of paper or cardboard that is recycled; 17 trees are saved from being cut down, 7,000 gallons of freshwater are saved in the manufacturing of the product, and enough energy to heat an average home for 6 months.
  • It takes over 1.5 million barrels of oil to manufacture a year's supply of bottled water. That's enough oil to fuel 100,000 cars.
  • Eight out of 10 plastic water bottles become landfill waste.
  • Recycling steel saves 75 percent of the energy that would be used to create steel from raw materials, enough to power 18 million homes.
  • One ton of recycled steel saves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone.
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Company Services
  • Appliance Recycling
  • Electronics Recycling
  • Trash Removal
  • Tire Recycling
  • Lead Acid Battery Recycling
  • Computers Recycling
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Yard Locations

1120 Broadway Street
Platteville, Wisconsin
United States
ZIP: 53818

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Sunday at 7:30 am)
TuesdayFrom 7:00 am To 5:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 7:00 am To 5:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 7:00 am To 5:00 pm
FridayFrom 7:00 am To 5:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 7:00 am To 4:00 pm
SundayFrom 7:30 am To 11:30 am
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