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Covenant Plastics

14510 Beaumont Hwy, Houston, Texas, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Covenant Plastics, Inc. was established in 1995, specializing in purchasing and supplying waste plastics for recycling. Covenant operates in a global market with our well-established network of affiliates worldwide. A concern for the environment is at the heart our business philosophy. We are committed to investing in technology and equipment for improving the efficiency and new applications of plastic recycling. We are proud to be part of the recycling industry and we firmly believe that a clean environment is everybody's business.

Our activities include waste collection, processing and recycling of post industrial and post consumer plastic scrap. We recycle all grades of plastic. We purchase any form of raw plastic scrap, regrind and virgin resin. We are committed in providing our customers with a stable and constant supply of secondary plastic material to meet their production needs.

When the children have met their goal weight of acceptable caps and lids, all other items have been sorted out and removed, and they have decided on their order the mentor will contact us to place that order.Their order will then go back to our production team and we will discuss scheduling your appointment for dropping off the caps and picking up the item(s) that were ordered. Appointments are usually set 2-3 weeks from your order date.

On your appointment date you will arrive to our facility with your collected caps, tax exempt form, driver’s conformation invoice, and payment. We will unload your caps, weigh your caps, load the item(s) that were ordered, and complete paperwork. Appointment times are roughly an hours long depending on cap weight being brought and items being picked up. This saves organizations time fromCovenant Plastics is a plastic sales and plastics recycling company located in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. We understand the complexities of the plastic recycling business sector.Covenant Plastics is a privately held company that has been at the forefront of recycling plastics for over 17 years. We’ve built up substantial expertise to help businesses around the world reduce their waste, save costs and become more environmentally responsible.Covenant Plastics employs the very latest in recycling technology, equipment and processes to ensure our products continue to deliver exceptional quality and value for money, as well as being of genuine, tangible benefit to the environment. making several trips and transportation costs.

Our Services

Covenant Plastics designs process solutions for post-industrial scrap plastic collection, transportation, reprocessing and re-introduction into the raw-material feedstream. Our goal is long-term repeatable placement of your plastic scrap.

For the past 17 years Covenant Plastics has been serving the plastics industry and its customers with superior plastic resins at the most affordable prices. We recycle, reprocess, compound, distribute, broker, manufacture and export.At Covenant Plastics, we breathe new life into plastics. Recycling plastic makes sense ecologically and economically - for our customers, ourselves and our community. It reduces waste and saves costs.Our commitment to excellence extends to making our workplace a safe and healthy environment for employees, visitors and customers.

Our vision is to be leading supplier to the recycled plastic market. We are dedicated to providing industrialists increasing profits while helping the environment by providing a continuous outlet for plastic waste.

The mission

At Covenant Plastics we've always looked at things differently. Where most see waste, we see opportunity. This innovative nature is stronger today than ever before. Not happy to rest on our achievements, we now strive to create a world where waste is a thing of the past and everything is recyclable.We're always working to improve our business - either by building on our current strengths or investing in new activities. Our vision emphasizes:

  • Working with customers to increase their profit through smart solutions
  • Continuing to build our world-class team of people
  • Building on our strengths to lay the foundation for future growth
  • Accelerating our innovation and technology initiatives
  • Enhancing our leadership position in environmental and sustainability initiatives
  • Upgrading our systems, processes and procedures, with an emphasis on governance

Trading and Distribution

Covenant Plastics, Inc. has a full service trading division that handles all types of plastics. We purchase and sell polymers and base resins in all forms including:

  • Aged/obsolete virgin pellets
  • Off grade chips
  • Dirty floor sweepings
  • Reactor lumps/chunks/patties
  • Regrind from parts and sheets
  • Mixed pellets
  • Rejected Injection Molded Parts

Covenant Plastics provides plastic raw materials for film extrusion, injection moulding, blow moulding, rotational moulding, pipe-foam extrusion and sheet extrusion. We offer a great range and variety of plastic materials including virgin, "near prime", compounds, regrinds, and specialty materials such as filled resins. Covenant Plastics offers a valuable supply alternative for many thermoplastic raw materials:

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Materials Accepted
NoMaterial Name
1ABS Plastic
Company Services
  • Plastic Recycling
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Yard Locations

14510 Beaumont Hwy
Houston, Texas
United States
ZIP: 77049

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