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Cornells Used Auto Parts

62 South Greenfield Road, Greenfield Center, New York, United States

Memberships : ARANY, Automotive Recyclers Association
About Yard

Cornell’s Used Auto Parts is based in Greenfield Center, New York (just outside of Saratoga Springs; 1 hour north of Albany). Cornell’s specializes in Salvage Services. CUAP currently has an inventory of 1200-1500 cars and approximately 80,000 parts of all makes and models on site. Cornell’s is a family-owned business; Casey Cornell is the second-generation owner taking over after his father, Duane Cornell.

History :

In 1972, after working with Vin Smero for years at a local garage, Duane Cornell started his own auto-mechanic shop in the bottom of a family-owned barn on South Greenfield Road in the small town of Greenfield Center, New York. After a few years in the barn, Duane’s shop started to grow and flourish. In 1979, Duane upgraded to his own automotive building down the road– Cornell’s Garage & Towing, which is still in place and operating today. With his continued success, Duane was able to hire a full-staff, some of which are still working at the garage to this day. In the 1980’s, Duane was able to add a Body Shop to the business which is also still in operation today. Over the years, Duane oversaw many renovations to the building; the most impressive of which took place in the late 1990’s. With the turn of the decade, Duane was able to improve upon his business even more in the year 2000 with the addition of a separate building adjacent to the garage which is known today as Cornell’s Used Auto Parts. Duane was owner and overseer of CUAP (Cornell’s Used Auto Parts) from 1972-2003 until he became ill. His son, Casey Cornell, took over for his father right where he left off. Casey has since made many improvements to the business including a renovation to the building which doubled its size, and has kept the integrity of his father’s hard work and legacy.

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Materials Accepted
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2Used Auto Parts
Company Services
  • Salvage Services
  • Towing Services
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Yard Locations

Greenfield Center, New York
United States
ZIP: 12833

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Tuesday at 8:00 am)
TuesdayFrom 8:00 am To 5:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 8:00 am To 5:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 8:00 am To 5:00 pm
FridayFrom 8:00 am To 5:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 8:00 am To 5:00 pm
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