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Coarc ecycle
1 Industrial Tract , Hudson, New York, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Coarc ecycle is a partenership between a family owned and operated local electronics recycling business and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities.Before partnering with Coarc, this family owned business was a electronics recylcing business utilizing domestic downstream venders at an R2 standard. They promoted and maintained environmentally responsible practices that is beneficial for everyone, including clients, employees and the communities in which their solutions operated.Coarc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. They are the Columbia County Chapter of NYSARC, Inc., which is America’s largest nonprofit organization supporting people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families since 1949. Coarc has been an advocate and resource in Columbia for individuals who experience disabilities and their families since 1965. We provide comprehensive services to children and adults, both in the community and at more than 20 Coarc locations.Our mission is to provide the most environmentally friendly electronics recycling solution to businesses, schools and the community, while providing job opportunities to people with disabilities.

We invite you to join in and help us on our mission by stopping in and dropping off your broken, unwanted, and obsolete electronics. If you have more electronics then you can handle, let us know. We would be happy to provide a premium pickup service.

Our Mission

To provide the most environmentally friendly electronics recycling solution to businesses, schools and the community, while providing job opportunities for people with disabilities.

Providing Jobs for Individuals with Disabilities While Improving the Environment

Coarc ecycle not only benefits the environment, but also provides employment opportunities for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Coarc ecycle creates the opportunity for people who possess the proper skills the opportunity to work in a job in a local business community. This allows the individuals to become successful members of our growing community. If more of us can see disability as both a challenge and an asset, the nation will be well on the way to fully using the job skills of all of its citizens.Individuals experiencing a disability bring to the workplace social responsibility and diversity. Employees with a disability come from all backgrounds and ages. They have varied skills and perspectives which contribute to the development of unique and creative business solutions.


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Company Services
  • Electronics Recycling
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(518) 828-4136 ext 5
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Yard Locations

1 Industrial Tract
Hudson, New York
United States
ZIP: 12534
(518) 828-4136 ext 5

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Operating Hours

CLOSED (Opens today at 8:00 am)
TuesdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:00 pm
FridayFrom 8:00 am To 4:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:00 pm
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