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449 S. Lebaron, Mesa, Arizona, United States
Carefree Recycling is the premier recycling service for the phoenix Metro area.we are locally based company that specializes in the removal and recycling of HVAC units and other metals,Carefree Recycling recycles air conditioning units.We will pay the going market value on all motors and compressors. We pick up at your location and bring a certified scale and pay you CASH. We also pay the appreciate amount for all other pieces of A/C equipment. We specialize in ON TIME crane pick-ups and customer satisfaction. No job is too big or too small! With our fleet of heavy vehicles, we can handle as many as 100 units a day, as well as heavy and bulky individual units. We pick up all trash and pallets for your convenience at the job site. We have certified EPA technicians that will dispose of all Freon legally.
Dennis Ferguson established Carefree Companies 20 years ago, with the intention to not only start a business but also to gain the ability to help the community around him. What started off as a simple misting business, has now grown into several companies, spanning a variety of industries. Today Carefree Companies operates one of the largest recycling firms in the Phoenix metro area, Carefree Recycling. What has brought Carefree Recycling to its current level of success is not only the hard work of Mr. Ferguson and his family but, also the strong traditional values that are continually propelled throughout the company.
Carefree Recycling is based on the fundamental of providing a second life. This not only pertains to providing a second life to scrapped HVAC equipment but also to providing a second chance for employment. Mr. Ferguson has the desire to help those in the community that might not otherwise have a chance to enter the workforce by providing employment opportunities for those members of the community.However, the most predominant value of Carefree Companies is not only to provide the best quality service at the best possible price but to provide these services the right way. The right way means having a staff that is completely and properly certified. The right way means having licensed technicians evacuate every unit in order to prevent harmful CFC's from reaching the atmosphere. The right way means taking time to ensure safety. The right way means not cutting corners in order to reduce cost. Carefree Recycling was started in 2008, when Mr. Ferguson noticed the market opportunity for scrapping and recycling used and worn-out air conditioning units in the valley of the sun. At first, Mr. Ferguson was the sole employee. However, as time passed he began to add employees when the need arose. That's when Mr. Ferguson, who was also a prison minster was struck by an idea. "After Being a prison minster for two years, I had the opportunity to meet many men that were serving time in state institutions. They all expressed to me what a hard time they had trying to find a job once they were released. Most of them often re-offend because of having a felony and not being able to secure a job."Mr. Ferguson was determined to try and help some of these men by providing them with employment opportunities. There have a few problems, but he has found that in whole, his employees are grateful for the opportunity to make an honest living.
The company has grown to approximately 15 employees and the company has 4 - 24' trucks, an 18' truck, and a fleet of trucks and trailers. Carefree Recycling now has the ability to not only serve the entire Phoenix metro area but also the state and can handle multiple locations simultaneously. Carefree Recycling now has the equipment necessary to handle large industrial-sized A/C units and chillers.
Freon extractiom program,pick up of HVAC units and other scrap metals,the pick-up and removal of trash,pallets,and other debris
At Carefree Recycling we recycle every part of disposed air conditioning units, including the Freon. All Freon evacuation is done at our facility in Mesa, AZ by EPA certified professionals. A Freon extraction report is then sent to our customers at the beginning of every month. These reports detail the type, amount, and purity of all extracted Freon from all recycled air conditioning units within the given month. We provide this service as complimentary courtesy for our customers. These reports help to simplify the EPA reporting process for our commercial contractor clientele.
In addition to our recycling and Freon services. We provide the following services at no charge to our customers:
449 S. Lebaron Mesa, Arizona United States ZIP: 85210 |
480-834-3344 480-898-0212 Carefree@Carefree-Recyclin​g.com |