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Autorolla Dezmembrari
Gura Calnaului , str. Principala , nr. 1 , sat, Muntenia, Romania

Memberships : Nil
About Yard

For 24 years, he has been offering you original parts from car and truck dismantling at the best prices in Romania! We buy cars for dismantling, we issue a certificate of destruction for deleting the car or for the scrap program. In the case of the Scrap Program, in addition to the certificate of destruction, we pay for the cars from which parts can be recovered.

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Materials Accepted
NoMaterial Name
1 scrap vehicles
3Scrap Cars
Company Services
  • Scrap Car Recycling
  • Vehicle Dismantling
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0751 176 182
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Yard Locations

Gura Calnaului
ZIP: 127653
0751 176 182
0744 519 579

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Tuesday at 8:00 am)
TuesdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
WednesdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
ThursdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
FridayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
SaturdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
SundayFrom 8:00 am To 3:30 pm
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