This service is only available to US clients.
150 Dundee Dr, Milledgeville, Georgia, United States
Attaway Recycling is a family owned business, having over 20 years experience in the waste collection and recycling business. In September 2009, we moved into a new recycling facility located at 150 Dundee Drive in Milledgeville, Ga.
We offer recycling services to small and large businesses, city and county governments, and schools. We offer cardboard, Plastic #1 and #2, glass, newspaper, aluminum cans, metal cans, and office paper. At Attaway Recycling, we strive to process all recyclable materials to help keep as much tonnage of recyclable material out of America's landfills. We process all these materials through our horizontal baler and then store them in our warehouse before shipping off.Attaway Recycling is all about helping you and our local communities with their recycling efforts. Living Green is gaining a lot of traction across the US and we are interested in doing our part to help those that are taking the initiative to join the cause.
Saves 17 trees from having to be cut down and used for pulp
Saves 7000 gallons of water
Cuts pollution 95%
Saves 11 barrels – 462 gallons – of oil
Saves more than 3 cubic yards of landfill space
Corrugated can be recycled an average of 7 times before the fibers become too short and they are filtered out as sludge during the pulping process. The sludge is then ready for disposal, but often has one more usage and that is as daily cover at landfills in place of soil.
When evaluating a cardboard recycling program there are many considerations, but of course the primary consideration is to understand the advantages that apply to your business by not only removing the cardboard from your waste stream (and thus reducing hauler and landfill fees). In addition, you should also consider how you are improving the environmental friendliness of your facility. Depending upon the amount of cardboard that ends up in the trash, your business may need to consider changing its waste processing routines to accommodate an effective recycling program.
As far as our services are concerned, we provide businesses with either an 8yd container or wire bin depending on the needs of the business for there cardboard storage. To pickup the cardboard, we have a grapple truck that grabs the cardboard out of the container we provide. By using our containers to recycle their cardboard, they would eliminate that cardboard from the normal waste collection by the waste hauling company. This reduction should result in cost savings as the business should be able to reduce the number of times per week there front load trash containers are being emptied.
Attaway Recycling provides wasted solutions for schools in our community. We implemented a recycling program at 3 different schools in our area over the past year. They were John Milledge Academy, Wilkinson County Middle School, and Oak Hill Middle School. Attaway Recycling provides the recycling bins and collection for all the classrooms, administrative offices, and cafeterias at these schools. We provide these services for schools to both save money per month in waste removal costs and to keep these recyclables from ever seeing a landfill. Our school recycling program is easy for students, teachers, administrators and custodians because it brings single stream recycling to every classroom. Single stream recycling allows participants to throw all recyclable paper, plastic, aluminum cans, and cardboard in ONE recycling bin. There is no sorting required.
No | Material Name |
Glass | |
1 | jam jars |
2 | CRV Glass bottles |
Metal | |
3 | Aluminum Cans |
4 | Tin Cans |
Paper | |
5 | News Paper |
6 | Cardboard |
7 | Magazines |
8 | Office Paper |
Plastic | |
9 | #1 & # 2 Plastic |
10 | Mixed plastic bottles |
150 Dundee Dr Milledgeville, Georgia United States ZIP: 31061 |
478-456-8468 NS NS |