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Alliance Recycling, Inc

3426 Peralta Street , Oakland , California, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Alliance Recycling is a full-service community based recycling center.We specialize in California CRV buyback, and accept all metals, glass as well as plastic bottles and aluminum cans.Alliance Recycling has the distinguished honor to be able to truly say that our customers are our neighbors, associates, family and friends. For more than 30 years our combined efforts have provided work and recourse to our neighbors, who comprise more than 87% of our clients, in one of the most challenged communities in Alameda county. In return, our work has translated to substantial benefits to the environment. In 2008 alone, our clients‘ labors have saved over 15,600 tons of recyclable materials from the waste stream!
The noble activity of salvaging discarded resources has been an age long tradition of many urban and rural communities throughout the globe. In today’s industrial times salvaging is ever more urgent to the health of our communities and the planet, and never so challenging for those that endeavor the task. They endure urban blight and isolation with little recognition for their indispensable labor.
At Alliance Recycling we’re honored to witness and be catalyst to the contributions of these urban heroes, and we are committed to giving back. We do this by treating our fellow employees and the community where we live and work with dignity and respect, and by protecting the interests of our neighbors and our environment.
It’s well understood that improving our communities is not an isolated mission. It requires the creativity and collaborative work of businesses, government, local agencies, non-profit organizations and individuals. We welcome and urge your innovative ideas and interest. We are confident in the residing talent, resourcefulness and neighborhood spirit that will make ours an exemplary community, and we look forward to our continued collaboration.

West Oakland has a history of industry and spirit that against all odds subsists and stands for the disenfranchised. It was built by large industries that thrived with the hard labor of local residents who migrated in large numbers from Europe, and southern states. Not least was the transcontinental railroad, which made Oakland into a transportation node of national importance and a major center of the defense industry during the first and second World Wars. The substantial unemployment that ensued at the end of WWII threatened the welfare of the community, but residents organized in opposition of their looming displacement. This tireless spirit has since seen a resurgence, most famously during the 1970s, and it continues to take new form today. Many of the organizations formed during these eras thrive today and play an important role in the ongoing revitalization of West Oakland’s neighborhoods. Included among them is Alliance Recycling who is member of what has come to be a promising and democratizing “green revolution.”

We Do It Together

Help us green West Oakland. Recycle. Together we’re making it healthy and beautiful.


  • Reduces waste going to landfills
  • Saves energy
  • Reduces CO2 emissions
  • Conserves water
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Company Services
  • Aluminum Cans Recycling
  • Plastic Recycling
  • Glass Recycling
  • Bi-metal Cans Recycling
  • Cardboard Recycling
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Yard Locations

3426 Peralta Street
Oakland , California
United States
ZIP: 94608

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Operating Hours

CLOSED ( Opens on Saturday at 8:00 am)
TuesdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
WednesdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
ThursdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
FridayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
SaturdayFrom 8:00 am To 4:30 pm
SundayFrom 8:00 am To 12:00 pm
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