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Alaskans for Litter Prevention & Recycling

P.O. Box 200393, Anchorage, Alaska, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

ALPAR is a privately funded, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating litter and increasing economically-viable recycling in Alaska. Founded in 1982 by a group of dedicated Alaskan business leaders, ALPAR's programs help clean up Alaska's communities, roadways, parks, beaches and waterways and assist with recycling initiatives throughout Alaska. ALPAR programs and services are made possible by the generous support of dedicated businesses and organizations throughout Alaska.

Calling all Gardeners! It’s time to start gathering your plastic pots for the upcoming Garden and Nursery Pot Recycling Drop off event Saturday, August 20, 2016 at the Alaska Botanical Garden. Help us beat our 2015 record of almost 3 tons! It’s a great time to visit the Garden after you recycle (discount admission for recyclers!)
All plastic garden containers will be accepted. Pots will be shipped to markets in Seattle by WestRock’s Anchorage Recycling Center and turned into plastic lumber, benches and other plastic products. Recyclers are also welcome to take pots home for re-use. Contact ALPAR for more information at 644-7968.

In-Store Plastic Bag Recycling, Reuse and Conservation Toolkit

Alaskan Retailers are taking the challenge to help their customers, their bottom lines and the environment. ALPAR’s In-Store Plastic Bag Recycling, Reuse and Conservation Toolkit outlines how to launch plastic bag recycling in your store and provides information that will help your customers be more environmentally active by using less and recycling. A great solution to keeping more plastic bags out of the waste stream.

Can-Do Kids

Kids can do a great job of recycling! They earn pocket money and prizes when they turn it aluminum cans at the Westrock (Anchorage) Recycling Center. Stop by the Recycling Center for a Can-do Kids kit that will show you what to do.

ALPAR Youth Litter Patrols

Summer jobs picking up litter! Kids work in ALPAR’S Youth Litter Patrols all over Alaska. They help rid the communities of littler and remind everyone to dispose of litter proberly. Sponsored in part by ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.

Volunteer Community Clean Ups Across Alaska

Volunteers all over the state pitch in to help clean up their communities every spring. This year, ALPAR supplied over 200,000 free bright yellow clean up bags to 160 communities. Since 1990, we’ve given away over 2 million bags to help clean up Alaska.

Recycling and Public Awareness

ALPAR supports recycling in the Railbelt communities (Anchorage, Kenai, MatSu Valley, Copper Valley, and Fairbanks by subsidizing community drop-sites for recyclables through backhauling recyclables to Outside markets. The backhaul is accomplished thanks to the generosity of Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Horizon Lines of Alaska, Lynden / Alaska West Express / Alaska Marine Lines, Northland Services, Alaska Railroad, Airland Transport and Weaver Brothers. ALPAR also promotes recycling awareness in a variety of ways.

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Company Services
  • Electronics Recycling
  • Aluminum Cans Recycling
  • Newspapers Recycling
  • Glass Recycling
  • Cardboard Recycling
  • Plastic Bottles Recycling
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(907) 274-3266
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Yard Locations

P.O. Box 200393
Anchorage, Alaska
United States
ZIP: 99520
(907) 274-3266
(907) 274-3266

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