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Advance Recycling of Virginia

117 S Lewis Street , Staunton, Virginia, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Advanced Recycling of Virginia is a full service recycling center for all of your e-waste needs. We recycle all types of e-waste including but not limited to computers, laptops, servers,  monitors, televisions, phone systems, cell phones, copiers, printers and ink cartridges UPS backup systems and UPS batteries. All equipment is managed in an environmentally way with a zero waste to landfill policy. We offer full secure chain of custody methods that eliminates any liability about recycling your old equipment. We offer DOD level data destruction and chain of custody thus eliminating all your company’s liability and potential exposure to lawsuits from your confidential information being compromised. Advance Recycling of Virginia protects you from the potential risks of electronic waste disposal as we recycle electronic equipment in compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations. We have all the necessary insurances including Commercial Liability Insurance, Auto Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Advanced Recycling will issue Certificates of Data Destruction, Chain of custody Certificates and Certificates of  Recycling for your permanent record and auditing purposes.

  • Zero waste to landfil policy
  • DOD level secure data deletion
  • Certificates of Data Destruction
  • Chain of custody
  • Equipment asset tag removal
  • Onsite pickup
  • Fully insured

Why Recycle

High-tech manufacturing produces millions of electronic products that provide the healthcare industry with greater efficiency, convenience and productivity. However computers and electronic products containing toxic materials pose a significant threat to public health and the environment when improperly disposed.

Hazardous components: Computers, televisions, lab analyzers, EKG monitors, and other types of biomedical electronic equipment may contain hazardous materials. Of particular concern are heavy metals such as lead (used in cathode ray tube [CRT] monitors and lead solder), mercury (used in the lights behind Liquid Crystal Displays [LCD]), and cadmium (used in batteries, resistors, CRTs, and plastic components), chlorinated plastics (PVC) used in cable wiring, brominated flame retardants (used in plastic computer housing and circuit boards).
Discarded computers and electronics are toxic hazardous waste. Studies suggest that as many as 100 million computers, monitors and televisions become obsolete in the U.S. each year. Discarded computers and other consumer electronics (so called e-waste) are the fastest growing portion of our waste stream -- growing almost 3 times faster than our overall municipal waste stream.

Currently about 70 percent of the heavy metals, including lead, mercury and cadmium, in landfills come from electronic equipment discards. The health effects of lead are well known; just 1/70th of a teaspoon of mercury can contaminate a 20 acre lake, making the fish unfit to eat. The hazardous substances found in electronics have been linked to human health effects like cancer, birth defects, and hormone disruption.
Less than 10 percent of discarded computers and electronics are currently recycled, with the remainder stockpiled or disposed of in landfills, incinerators or exported to developing countries for disassembly.


Our recycling solutions are ideal for companies with highly sensitive data, including hospitals, banks, financial institutions and government agencies. Advanced Recycling of Virginia properly retires computer hardware and takes special steps in the areas of security, legal compliance and accountability.

Advanced Recycling of Virginia can:

  • Pick up equipment directly from your loading dock.
  • Destroy hard drives or thoroughly remove all data from hard disks using Department of Defense recommended methods (on-site service available). This protects against software licensing
  • infringement and loss of sensitive information.
  • Recycle equipment according to state and federal environmental laws.
  • Provide a certified report detailing the services performed and confirming software removal (listed by hardware serial number).
  • Services are 100% HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley and EPA compliant.
  • Services fully insured
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Materials Accepted
Company Services
  • Electronics Recycling
  • Batteries Recycling
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Yard Locations

117 S Lewis Street
Staunton, Virginia
United States
ZIP: 24401

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