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Ace Recycling and Disposal, Inc

2274 South Technology Drive, West Valley City, Utah, United States

Memberships : NA
About Yard

In 1980 our owner was a Civil Engineer with a newborn, and a desire to be his own boss. He saw an ad in the local classifieds for 1 garbage truck and 150 customers, titled “Ace Disposal.” Against all advice from friends and concern from his wife he left his career and bought Ace in September of 1980. He went on to drive the truck for about 8 years. His wife also dispatched and ran the bills, all while raising 2 young kids. After that he was lucky to find the one thing that makes any small business grow and succeed; good people. Over the next 10 years the business grew due to the hard work of multiple employees that still work at Ace today. Through numerous small acquisitions in the 90’s, Ace had become one of the largest independent haulers in Utah.Today we are one of the largest independent haulers in the western United States. The owner and his son own and operate the business with 200 employees,running approximately 100 trucks per day. Despite our size, we still haven’t forgotten our commitment to the customer and to who helped us get to where we are today, and where we go tomorrow.

Our Mission:

  • To provide the highest level of quality service at reasonable and fair rates.
  • To provide our customers with friendly, efficient, affordable and safe service.
  • To cooperate with the communities in which we operate in order to improve the quality of life using our resources.
  • To provide a safe and secure working environment for our employees.

Why Ace is Different:

We proudly offer customer service that consistently exceeds our customer’s expectations. We are committed to provide all services in a safe, reliable and responsive manner. Our ability to respond to service issues and inquiries starts with all telephone calls being answered by a live Ace Disposal customer service representative during our normal business hours 7am to 5pm. For after hour’s customer service, all calls are still answered by a live individual, never a recording. We do not use automated phone answering systems. Our 5 customer service representatives are highly trained and possess the knowledge to quickly assess a situation and resolve it on the spot. Ace Disposal drivers utilize a hands-free communication system to allow our collection vehicles to contact the main office and dispatch center. Our drivers are equipped with phones that can take pictures of any unusual problems and then e-mail the photo with an audio explanation of the problem. Ace Recycling and Waste Disposal has agents on hand ready to help you set up the appropriate service level and also adjust your trash service as needed. We also have a recycle specialist who can answer all your recycling questions, educate your company and help kick off your recycling programs. Our customer service center is located at our corporate headquarters in West Valley City. You can contact customer service at (800) 724-9995.

How Ace Has Changed Recycling in Utah:

In 2005 all the trash that Ace Recycling picked up in the Salt Lake Valley was being taken to a facility called The Metro Transfer Station. At this facility all trash went across a sorting line and all the material that could be recycled was pulled from the trash heap, with the focus primarily on cardboard, plastic and metals. The percentage of the material that was pulled from the waste stream varied between 12 – 25%. Since then this facility has had a change in ownership and with market changes it has made it more difficult to pull recyclables from the trash. Although changes have made it difficult to pull good quality recyclables from the trash stream it has pushed recycling in a new direction. America has adopted “Mixed Recycling” just like the curbside recycling service that is provided for homes. Mixed recycling is gaining strength and is making recycling easier for you and the processors. In 2008 we started a commercial Mixed Recycling program, and are now sending these trucks to a recycling facility that sorts the recyclables for resale and reuse. The focus at this recycle facility is to have as little contamination which means less gets sent to the landfill and 90 – 95% of the material that is sorted can be sent to the mills and made into recycled products. Businesses can order a separate can for plastic, cardboard, aluminum cans and paper products with all these different recyclables being placed into a single dumpster . If you are interested in starting up this service at your business or if you have questions please call and speak to an account representative today. We take pride in the work that we do to ensure that Utah remains a beautiful state. Our customers come back to us year after year because they know that our services are dependable, our sales staff is phenomenal and that our drivers take as much pride in our community as we do.

What kind of items are unacceptable for recycling?

  • Batteries
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Carpet & Padding
  • China & Ceramics
  • Clothing
  • Cookware
  • Dirty Paper Plates & Cups
  • Dirty Styrofoam Dishware
  • Disposable Diapers
  • Food & Liquid Waste
  • Furnace Filters
  • Garden Hoses
  • Glass (any kind)
  • Household Hazardous Waste
  • Light Bulbs & Tubes
  • Motor Oil
  • Packing Peanuts
  • Paint Cans
  • Pizza Boxes
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Company Services
  • Electronic Recycling
  • Glass Recycling
  • Plastic Recycling
  • Metal Recycling
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Yard Locations

2274 South Technology Drive
West Valley City, Utah
United States
ZIP: 84119

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