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Ferrous Metals (Steel Or Iron) accepting scrap yards in Detroit

4 Scrap Yards listed

U-Metco Inc. is a proud third-generation family owned business dedicated to supplying metalcasters with the highest quality melting stock available.…
Materials accepted :  7 items
8651 East Seven Mile Road
Michigan, United States
Kimmel Scrap Iron & Metal has been recycling America's precious resources since 1930. Starting in Iowa City, Iowa, Ben Kimmel…
Materials accepted :  15 items
10571 West Grand River
Michigan, United States
At Detroit Iron & Metal Co. we´re always looking for ferrous and nonferrous metals to recycle, and we make it…
Materials accepted :  20 items
8350 Dix Avenue
Michigan, United States
Ferrous Processing and Trading (FPT) is one of North America’s premier processors, sellers, and recyclers of scrap metals of all…
Materials accepted :  6 items
3400 E. Lafayette
Michigan, United States
1 - 4 of 4 yards
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