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Bare Bright accepting scrap yards in Elmira

3 Scrap Yards listed

Kaplan's Scrap Yard fulfills the complete metal and paper recycling needs of clients throughout New York's southern tier…
Materials accepted :  38 items
104 E. Woodlawn Ave.
New York, United States
In 1900, Kalman and Jacob Staiman, immigrant brothers who had settled in Elmira, NY in 1898, realized the need for…
Materials accepted :  13 items
104 E. Woodlawn Ave
New York, United States
Shulman Recycling is a fore-runner of recycling, having been located in Elmira , New York  since 1935.  Throughout the years…
Materials accepted :  14 items
197 E Washington Ave
New York, United States
1 - 3 of 3 yards
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