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#1 Copper accepting scrap yards in Philadelphia

3 Scrap Yards listed

Since 1932 we’ve been providing quality recycling service to the Northeast area. Bring in your Aluminum Cans, Copper,…
Materials accepted :  5 items
3611 Welsh Rd
Pennsylvania, United States
TNT Metal & Recycling is a family owned and operated and institutes over 25 years’ experience in the recycling arena.…
Materials accepted :  21 items
649 W. Glenwood Ave Philadelphia, PA 19140 , USA
Pennsylvania, United States
Ansam Metals Corporation (hereafter Ansam ), established in 1968, is a Merchant and Processor of Non-Ferrous Metals operating a facility…
Materials accepted :  8 items
700 East Godfrey Ave
Pennsylvania, United States
1 - 3 of 3 yards
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