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Scrap Metal Prices

Current Prices updated on 14, May 2024.The prices displayed are three months old. For live prices Subscribe to Premium
Scrap metal prices for North America, Asia, and Europe - 400+ OTC Prices for the United States East Coast, West Coast, and Midwest. Historical pricing data & charts, Non-ferrous, ferrous, precious metals, and electronic scrap prices included. Prices are updated daily.

United StatesVIEW ALL

CommodityEast CoastMidwestWest CoastNorth AmericaPrice Unit
6063 Extrusions0.79(0)0.78(0)0.80(0)0.80(0)$US/Lb
Aluminum Radiators0.36(0)0.35(0)0.36(0)0.36(0)$US/Lb
MLC Clips0.73(0)0.72(0)0.74(0)0.73(0)$US/Lb
6061 Extrusions0.63(0)0.62(0)0.63(0)0.63(0)$US/Lb
356 Aluminum Wheels (Clean)0.72(0)0.71(0)0.73(0)0.72(0)$US/Lb
Chrome Wheels0.65(0)0.64(0)0.66(0)0.65(0)$US/Lb
Mixed Aluminum Turnings0.44(0)0.44(0)0.44(0)0.44(0)$US/Lb
#1 Copper Bare Bright3.60(-0.02)3.58(-0.02)3.68(-0.02)3.60(-0.02)$US/Lb
#1 Copper Wire and Tubing3.50(-0.02)3.48(-0.02)3.58(-0.02)3.50(-0.02)$US/Lb
#2 Copper Wire and Tubing3.40(-0.02)3.38(-0.02)3.48(-0.02)3.40(-0.02)$US/Lb
#3 Copper - Light Copper3.30(-0.02)3.28(-0.02)3.38(-0.02)3.30(-0.02)$US/Lb
Romex® Wire1.35(0)1.34(0)1.36(0)1.35(0)$US/Lb
Yellow Brass1.89(0)1.89(0)1.92(0)1.89(0)$US/Lb
Red Brass2.04(0)2.03(0)2.05(0)2.04(0)$US/Lb
Copper Radiators2.21(0)2.20(0)2.22(0)2.21(0)$US/Lb
Scrap Electric Motors0.38(0)0.37(0)0.38(0)0.38(0)$US/Lb
Copper Transformer Scrap0.36(0)0.35(0)0.37(0)0.36(0)$US/Lb
Xmas Lights0.22(0)0.21(0)0.22(0)0.22(0)$US/Lb
Scrap Auto Batteries0.22(0)0.22(0)0.22(0)0.22(0)$US/Lb
#1 HMS375.00(0)375.00(0)375.00(0)375.00(0)$US/MT
Lead Wheel Weights0.24(0)0.24(0)0.24(0)0.24(0)$US/Lb
Lead-Solid Lead0.70(0)0.70(0)0.70(0)0.70(0)$US/Lb
Al/Cu Radiators1.42(0)1.40(0)1.44(0)1.42(0)$US/Lb
E.C. Aluminum Wire0.99(0)0.99(0)0.99(0)0.99(0)$US/Lb
Aluminum Transformers0.21(0)0.20(0)0.22(0)0.21(0)$US/Lb
#1 Bundle460.00(0)460.00(0)460.00(0)460.00(0)$US/MT
#1 Busheling480.00(0)480.00(0)480.00(0)480.00(0)$US/MT
Structural Steel375.00(0)375.00(0)375.00(0)375.00(0)$US/MT
Heater Cores1.62(0)1.61(0)1.63(0)1.62(0)$US/Lb
70/30 Brass Scrap1.89(0)1.89(0)1.92(0)1.89(0)$US/Lb
85/15 Brass Scrap2.30(0)2.29(0)2.31(0)2.30(0)$US/Lb
Rod Borings1.80(0)1.79(0)1.82(0)1.80(0)$US/Lb
Brass Radiator1.79(0)1.79(0)1.82(0)1.79(0)$US/Lb
Brass Radiator Ends0.20(0)0.19(0)0.21(0)0.20(0)$US/Lb
80/20 Brass Scrap2.16(0)2.15(0)2.17(0)2.16(0)$US/Lb
HMS 80/20315.00(0)315.00(0)315.00(0)315.00(0)$US/MT
Shredded Auto Scrap450.00(0)450.00(0)450.00(0)450.00(0)$US/MT


6063 Extrusions16600.000CNY/MT
Aluminum Radiators9200.000CNY/MT
#1 Copper Bare Bright66850.000CNY/MT
#1 Copper Wire and Tubing62850.000CNY/MT
Yellow Brass34200.000CNY/MT
Copper Transformer Scrap11450.000CNY/MT
#1 HMS1630.000CNY/MT
E.C. Aluminum Wire17900.000CNY/MT
Aluminum Transformers8800.000CNY/MT
Brass Radiator30600.000CNY/MT
Cast Iron Scrap1730.000CNY/MT
201 SS6550.000CNY/MT


Copper wire bars (HCL*)707000.00-4000Rupee/Ton
Aluminum ingots200000.00-1000Rupee/Ton
Lead ingot177000.000Rupee/Ton
Tin slab1275000.000Rupee/Ton
Nickel Cathode1363000.000Rupee/Ton
Copper cable scrap696000.00-4000Rupee/Ton
Copper heavy scrap686000.00-4000Rupee/Ton
Copper armeture686000.00-4000Rupee/Ton
Copper utensil scrap690000.00-4000Rupee/Ton
Copper sheet cutting375000.00-4000Rupee/Ton
Brass utensil scrap376000.00-1000Rupee/Ton
Aluminum utensil scrap191000.00-1000Rupee/Ton
Brass Cuttings287000.00-1000Rupee/Ton


Copper Dry Bright6000.000$US/Tonne
Braziery Copper4400.000$US/Tonne
Copper Tube5200.000$US/Tonne
Brass Cuttings3500.000$US/Tonne
Mixed Brass3550.000$US/Tonne
Aluminum Cuttings1350.000$US/Tonne
Lead Scrap1800.000$US/Tonne
Lead Batteries820.000$US/Tonne
Foundry Short Steel0.000$US/Tonne
Grade OA Structural Plate180.000$US/Tonne
Grade 1 Old Steel (#1 5 ft)160.000$US/Tonne
Grade 2 Old Steel (#2 2ft)155.000$US/Tonne
Car and Lorry Engines0.000$US/Tonne

Factors Influencing Scrap Metal Prices

Here is a list of some of the key factors that affect the price of scrap metals.

Demand and Supply

Recycled scrap metals are extensively used in various industries including technology, construction, and transportation.The rise and fall in scrap metal prices correspond to the demand from these and other related industries.

A high demand and low supply situation will boost metal prices in yards. On the contrary, low demand and abundant supply position will result in lower scrap prices.

Domestic Market Direction

The scrap industry participants keep a close watch on movements within financial markets, especially the ticker symbols of major companies which belongs to industries regarded as primary consumers of scrap metal. The domestic metal foundries, mills, processors and manufacturers in the U.S. too play a key role in determining the prices.

International Market Trends

The scrap metal prices are largely affected by fluctuations in international markets, which are the important destinations of exported scrap metal. Any change in demand in primary scrap consuming countries like India, China and Turkeyis definitely going to impact prices. For instance, any fall in demand may result in a price dip, whereas boosted demand may lift scrap prices.

Prices of Virgin Metals

Another factor that determines the prices of scrap metal is the price of new metals in the market. In the event of notable rise in new metal prices, companies will switch to recycled metal, in line with their cost savings strategy. This in turn will result in higher prices to match the increased demand. Conversely, a dip in new metal prices will lead to less purchases of scrap metal, which in turn will lower prices.


The bad quality of scrap is yet another limiting factor when it comes to pricing. A scrap metal of lower quality contain high quantities of trace elements in it. The scrap yards will need to spend more resources to make them clean, before they could be processed for recycling. Clean and properly segregated scrap always fetches higher price, rather than unclean and assorted scrap.Scrap Specifications Circular by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) provides guidelines for buying and selling a variety of processed scrap commodities, including ferrous, nonferrous, paper, plastics, electronics, rubber, and glass.


Generally, scrap dealers prefer bulk purchases of scrap metal, as it reduces their overall cost of procurement. It is advisable not to sell scrap loose, but accumulate them to a bulk quantity in order to get better price from dealers.

Production and Supply Chain Costs

The scrap metals are often transported from one scrap yard to another, during the various stages of processing. A constrained supply chain, fuel prices and dearth of adequate transportation facilities may lead to increased costs, thus affecting scrap metal pricing. Also, scrap prices are directly proportional to production costs, which mainly depends on labor costs and energy prices.

Climatic Conditions

The scrap metal demand is higher during warmer months of the year, as compared with colder months. The busier industrial activities during summer demand more recycled metals. The heightened demand would drive scrap metal prices higher during those times. Meantime, slowdown in industrial activity coupled with transportation constraints on account of icy roads will have bearing on prices of scrap metals, just like on any other commodity.


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