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Plastic Recycling Centers in Kalamazoo

6 Scrap Yards listed

Schupan & Sons, Inc. was incorporated in 1968 as a non-ferrous industrial scrap processor. With very humble beginnings,…
Materials accepted :  5 items
2619 Miller Road, P.O. Box 2767
Michigan, United States
Committed to excellence Since the founding of Maine Plastics in 1983, our goals have been to maximize value and provide…
Materials accepted :  10 items
3939 Emerald Drive
Michigan, United States
Schupan Aluminum & Plastic Sales is a leading Midwestern family-owned metals service center specializing in…
Materials accepted :  9 items
4200 Davis Creek Ct
Michigan, United States
Schupan Industrial Recycling ships approximately 260 million pounds of non-ferrous and ferrous scrap per year to companies nationwide.Because of our quality control…
Materials accepted :  9 items
2619 Miller Road
Michigan, United States
Alro Industrial Supply enables our customers to purchase a wide variety of products and reduce their total procurement costs. With…
Materials accepted :  6 items
5382 Wynn Road
Michigan, United States
Best Way Disposal is proud to be a family owned company that specializes in the collection and transportation of commercial,…
Materials accepted :  10 items
2314 Miller Road
Michigan, United States
1 - 6 of 6 yards
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