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Plastic Recycling Centers in Hayward

3 Scrap Yards listed

Ming's Recycling Corporation is a family operated business since 1989 when Ming Luong founded the company in Sacramento,…
Materials accepted :  12 items
Mings Resource East Bay Corp
3495 Breakwater Ct
California, United States
Our Clients With headquarter in California and branches in Hong Kong , Manna Global Company provides superior products of  recycling…
Materials accepted :  6 items
1680 West Winton Ave
California, United States
Aaron Metals Company, founded by Paul and Selma Forkash in March, 1976 and continuously owned and operated by the Forkash…
Materials accepted :  12 items
25101 Clawiter Rd
California, United States
1 - 3 of 3 yards
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