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Electronics Recycling Centers in McKinney

4 Scrap Yards listed

Texas Metal Company is one of the premier metal recycling companies in North Texas. Located just 4 miles…
Materials accepted :  13 items
2431 E. University Dr.
Texas, United States
General Recycle is affiliated with Texas Metal Company, one of the premier metal recycling companies in North Texas,…
Materials accepted :  9 items
Texas Metal Company
2431 E. University Dr.
Texas, United States
For over 20 years, the Capitol Asset Recovery group of businesses has provided corporations, government and individuals a value-added solution…
Materials accepted :  12 items
1904 University Business Drive
Texas, United States
General Recycle is affiliated with Texas Metal Company, one of the premier metal 4 miles east of Highway…
Materials accepted :  8 items
2431 E. University Dr
Texas, United States
1 - 4 of 4 yards
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