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Automotive Recycling Centers in Nanaimo

4 Scrap Yards listed

Materials accepted :  4 items
120-256 Wallace St
British Columbia, Canada
BC Auto Wrecking was established in Victoria BC on August 13th 1969 by Glen and Valerie King. The…
Materials accepted :  3 items
2040 Schoolhouse Rd
British Columbia, Canada
All Make & Model Car & Truck Parts as well as Rebuilt Vehicles. We also carry Japanese Motorcycle Parts &…
Materials accepted :  3 items
1638 Harold Rd.
British Columbia, Canada
ABC Recycling, Campbell River opened in 1993 with the purchase of the property on Terminal Place. With the ability to…
Materials accepted :  8 items
750C Jackson Road
British Columbia, Canada
1 - 4 of 4 yards
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