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E-waste Recycling September 19, 2024 01:10:36 PM

DENR, UNIDO Project Pushes Safe PCB, E-Waste Management

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
These efforts helped in reducing the risk of long-term health issues such as cancer, thyroid problems, and liver damage that are linked to harmful pollutant exposure, according to DENR.
DENR, UNIDO Project Pushes Safe PCB, E-Waste Management

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), has concluded its seven-year hazardous waste management project, which delivered benefits to both the environment and economic sector of the country.

Through its Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), DENR and UNIDO focused on two major areas: the responsible disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and electronic waste (e-waste) management.

For the PCB management component, among efforts successfully executed were upgrading the non-combustion persistent organic pollutants (POPs) facility in Bataan, enhancing its PCB waste handling, assisting electric cooperatives in implementing DENR-EMB-approved PCB management plans to ensure the safe disposal of PCB-contaminated materials, and creating jobs at the non-combustion POPs facility.

These efforts helped in reducing the risk of long-term health issues such as cancer, thyroid problems, and liver damage that are linked to harmful pollutant exposure, according to DENR.

As for e-waste management, which includes discarded TVs, phones, and computers containing dangerous chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), among the achievements were the disposal of 1.15 tons of PBDEs from over 100,000 cathode ray tubes, preventing the harmful chemicals from re-entering the recycling stream. 

In addition, three Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) were upgraded under this effort. These facilities are located in Barangay Bagong Silang, Caloocan City; Barangay Dampalit, Malabon City; and Barangay Bakakeng, Baguio City.

“This is what we are doing as much as possible—collecting and recycling our waste. When there was still no project, our old TVs and old equipment with e-waste were thrown in the garbage, in the landfill without treatment. It will go to our waterways and pollute them,” DENR Usec. for Policy, Planning, and International Affairs Atty. Jonas Leones told reporters on the sidelines of a culmination event in Manila.

He added the project was initiated to raise public awareness of the importance of proper waste collection.

“For now, we have sites in Bagong Silang, Del Monte, Dampalit, and Baguio. There are facilities where our communities are dumping their e-waste. [W]e are recycling everything as much as possible. The remaining waste is very minimal, which can be treated and thrown in the landfill,” he said.

Moreover, the waste management project helped in integrating the "mambabaklas” (informal e-waste dismantlers) into the ‘formal’ economy by providing them technical training in safely handling e-waste.

 The DENR urges the public not to throw away electronic equipment; instead, coordinate with respective barangays for its proper waste treatment, storage, and disposal.


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