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March 26, 2025: Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum Prices Inched Higher on the Index

In the Non-Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices went higher by $ 9.32 per Oz on the Index.

March 26, 2025-North American Scrap Metal Prices Saw Mixed Trend on the Index

The price of #1 Copper Bare Bright edged higher by $ 0.03 per Lb.

March 25, 2025: Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum Prices Dropped on the Index

In the Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices were down by $ 3.35 per Oz.

March 24, 2025: Prices of Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum Dropped on the Index

In the Non-Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices went lower by $ 13.05 per Oz.

March 24, 2025-North American Scrap Metal Prices Displayed Mixed Trend on the Index

330 SS prices were down by $0.03 per Lb from the prior day.

March 21, 2025: Scrap Gold Prices Up, Platinum and Silver Dropped on the Index

In the Non-Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices went higher by $5.66 per Oz.

Weekly Scrap Metal Price Report- March 21, 2025

The price of New Zinc Die Cast held steady at $0.78 per Lb.

March 19, 2025: Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum Prices Edged Higher on the Index

In the Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices increased by $ 16.55 per Oz.

March 18, 2025: Scrap Gold and Platinum Prices Moved Up, Silver Down on the Index

In the Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices were up by $10.41 per Oz on Index.

March 18, 2025-North American Scrap Metal Prices Displayed Mixed Trend on the Index

Brass Radiator /Fe and Brass Radiator Ends prices maintained the previous day's price levels.

March 17, 2025: Scrap Gold, Platinum and Silver- Daily Market Update

In the Non-Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices went higher by $2.14 per Oz.

March 17, 2025-North American Scrap Metal Prices Jumped on the Index

The prices of #1 Busheling and #1 HMS too reported no change as of March 17, 2025.

March 14, 2025: Scrap Gold and Silver Prices Increased, Platinum Dipped on the Index

In the Non-Hallmarked category, the 14-carat gold scrap prices edged higher by $ 26.29 per Oz.

March 14, 2025-North American Copper Scrap Prices Dropped on the Index

Shredded Auto Scrap prices were flat on the Index.
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