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Waste & Recycling November 23, 2017 02:30:37 PM

Aluminum Recycler Announces $5.5 Million Expansion of Minnesota Facility

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
The multi-million dollar investment involves addition of a new building which will house a new 21-ton rotary furnace aimed at improving the recycling efficiency of the facility.
Aluminum Recycler Announces $5.5 Million Expansion of Minnesota Facility

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): Spectro Alloys Corporation, the company which operates one of the highly efficient aluminum recycling plants in the US, has announced its decision to invest $5.5 million towards expansion of recycling capabilities at its Rosemont, Minnesota aluminum recycling facility.

The multi-million dollar investment involves addition of a new building which will house a new 21-ton rotary furnace aimed at improving the recycling efficiency of the facility. The new furnace will be capable to melt wider range of aluminum scrap. The furnace will function on latest technology, so as to enhance the mill’s production capabilities. Further, the new filtration plant will ensure reduced emissions from the plant. The expansion works are expected to bring in significant cost benefits to the company by way of reducing the quantity of gas and electricity consumed by the recycling process.

The company has already reached an agreement with the State of Minnesota’s Job Creation Fund, which will fund the project through its grant, upon fulfillment of the investment and job creation promises. The proposed expansion is expected to complete by mid-2018. The company has started recruitment of additional staff to support the expansion works. The hiring of more than 10 production and maintenance staff is currently under process, said Spectro Alloys Corporation press release.

Spectro Alloys President Luke Palen stated that the proposed investment will help to strengthen the domestic aluminum supply chain, thereby building value for its employees, customers, suppliers and the communities in which they operate. The expansion will empower the facility to handle wider range of locally and regionally sourced aluminum products. The investment in latest technology will help to reduce the environmental impacts of its operations, Palen said. Further, the announced investment is the first phase of a multi-year investment plan aimed at achieving greater goals, Palen added.

The aluminum recycled at Spectro Alloys feeds small to medium-sized regional die casters and foundries, which in turn are used by them to create new products. The company offers full range of AA specification die cast and foundry alloys, as well as lower cost alternatives like NASAAC and RSI. Spectro Alloys also plays significant role in stimulating local economy by offering hundreds of well-paid jobs in the region.

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