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6061 Aluminum Flat Bar

6061 Aluminum Flat Bar


6061 Aluminum Flat, is an extruded aluminum product that is very versatile and has a wide range of applications. It is a good, general purpose aluminum alloy with magnesium and silicon as its alloying elements. It has the highest resistance to corrosion of all the heat treated aluminums, but strength is lower. It has a wide range of mechanical properties and is readily machined and has good forming properties.It welds easily, has excellent joining characteristics, and good acceptance to anodizing and other applied coatings. Electrical conductivity is 40% of copper. 6061 is widely used and has the largest size selection of all aluminums.T651 temper has similar mechanical properties.

6061 aluminum bar is one of the most common aluminum products on the market as it is the raw material for many stamped, cast and machined products throughout industry. The properties that make it a popular aluminum material include:

  • Easy to form, stamp, machine and weld
  • Accepts coatings and paints
  • Thermally and electrically conductive
  • Resistant to corrosion
  • High heat resistance
  • High strength
  • Low weight

Aluminum bar is an extruded aluminum product available flat, square or rounded. Bar is used for stamping, casting or machining a finished product.  Aluminum’s anti-corrosion, high strength, low weight and thermal conductive properties are useful for support, structural and high heat applications.

6061 is one of the most common alloys of aluminum in use today. Can be used for all types of applications. 6061 alloy is heat treatable to attain higher hardness. 6061-T6 Flat Bars are extruded to produce dimensional sizes.Excellent at resisting moisture and strong for its light weight.

  • Specifications: ASTM B221, QQA-200/8, 6061-T6511
  • AKA: aluminum flat bar, aluminum rectangle
  • Applications: frame work, braces, supports, mounting plates, trim, gussetts, 
  • Workability: Welds well with proper equipment, Easy to Drill, Machine, Saw and Punch. Excellent candidate for most processing techniques. Good corrosion resistance.
  • Mechanical Properties: Brinell = 95, Tensile = 45,000 +/-,  Yield = 40,000 +/- 


6061 bar is used for a wide range of products, including braces, mounting plates, trim, gussets, motor and engine components, enclosure and housing panels and hardware, brackets, frames, base plates, ornamental work, etc. 6061 is commonly used for structural components, screw machine parts, frames, brackets, jigs, fixtures, base plates, machine parts, couplings, hydraulic valve bodies, valves and valves parts, fuse parts, gears and shafts, worm gears, pistons, rectifier parts, fasteners, hardware, truck and marine components, marine fittings and hardware, electrical fittings and connectors, hinge pins, magneto parts, brake pistons, hydraulic pistons, appliance fittings, camera lens mounts, bike frames, etc. 6061 is used for heavy duty structures requiring good strength-to-weight ratio with good corrosion resistance. 6061 is easily cold worked and formed in the annealed condition. Cutting, stamping, bending, spinning, deep drawing, drilling, tapping, etc. are all readily accomplished using standard methods .6061 Aluminum Flat is w idely used for all types of fabrication projects where lightweight and corrosion resistance is a concern.Commonly used in the manufacture of heavy-duty structures requiring good corrosion resistance, truck and marine components, railroad cars, furniture, tank fittings, general structural and high pressure applications, wire products, and in pipelines. 

6061 Aluminum Flat Pictures



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