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3003-H14 Aluminum Sheet

3003-H14 Aluminum Sheet


Aluminum 3003 is an alloy with very good corrosion resistance and moderate strength. It is not heat treatable and develops strengthening from cold working only. 3003 Aluminum is alloyed with 1.20% manganese, which increases the strength of 3003 over commercially pure aluminum (1100 series). 3003 has excellent workability, weldability, and good corrosion resistance. H14 designates the temper, and means that 3003 has been strain hardened and partially annealed. In this condition, 3003 can be easily formed. Embossing or debossing 3003 in this temper should not strain or crack the aluminum. Â 3003 ALUMINUM TREAD PLATE - Often referred to as diamond plate, it has the same properties of 3003-H14, while excellent at resisting corrosion, and strong for light weight aluminum applications. The diamond trend pattern is slip-resistant and cosmetically appealing. 3003 Aluminum Alloy contains Manganese as its major alloying element. 3003 Aluminum Alloy has good machinability and welding is readily accomplished by means of conventional welding methods. All of our 3003 Aluminum Sheet is protected on one side with a protective vinyl film. 3003-H14 Aluminum Sheet - (ASTM B209, QQ-A-250/2) Excellent weldability, formability, with good corrosion resistance make 3003 Aluminum Sheet a popular and economical choice. 3003 Aluminum Sheet has a smooth, semi-shiny finish. Non-magnetic, Brinell = 40, Tensile = 22,000, Yield = 21,000 (+/-).3003 aluminum sheet is a very cost effective grade of sheet, combining good strength, corrosion resistance and an attractive finish.

  • FEATURES: Excellent at resisting moisture and strong for its light weight.
  • WORKABLE: Welds well with the proper equipment. Easy to Drill, Machine, Shear and Form.
  • USES: Skinning Frames, Truck Beds, Tool Boxes, Trays, Drip Pans, Ornamental Work, Etc.


  • 3003 aluminum sheet is used for exposed products that require a smooth shiny finish. These include trim, external fuel tanks, trailer siding and trailer roofs.
  • Aluminum 3003 is also used in the manufacture of cooking utensils, pressure vessels, builder's hardware, eyelet stock, ice cube trays, garage doors, awning slats, refrigerator panels, gas lines, gasoline tanks, heat exchangers, drawn and spun parts, and storage tanks.
  • It is widely used in mail boxes, cabinets, fan blades, awnings, siding, kitchen equipment, decorative trim, architectural uses, signage applications, etc. Where greater strength is required, consider 5052-H32.
  • It is used in trailers walk ways and cat walks, flooring, wall panels, tool boxes, decorative trim, architectural uses, etc.
  • It is popular for many applications, including: fuel tanks, food & chemical handling, trailer siding & roofing, etc. It is used for stamped and formed parts and can be finished with mechanical and organic finishes.

3003-H14 Aluminum Sheet Pictures


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