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Tiras de Cableado de Plomo Precio en Barrie, Ontario

Precio actual Actualizado en : 2023-11-20

Precio promedio
0.7 USD/LB
Precio alto
0.7 USD/LB
Precio bajo
0.7 USD/LB
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Barrie Tiras de Cableado de Plomo Precio histórico

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the latest market price of Tiras de Cableado de Plomo in Barrie?
  • The latest market price of Lead Cable Strip in Barrie is 0.7 USD/LB recorded on Monday, November 20th 2023. The price is the average of prices paid by all scrap yards in the Barrie, Ontario.

    The previous price was 0.75 USD/LB recorded on Monday, November 6th 2023 which was USD 0.05 higher than the current price. The Lead Cable Strip in Barrie is in a downward trend.

  • What is the highest market price of Tiras de Cableado de Plomo in Barrie?
  • The highest market price of Lead Cable Strip in Barrie is 0.75 USD/LB recorded on Tuesday, August 17th 2021

  • What is the lowest market price of Tiras de Cableado de Plomo in Barrie?
  • The lowest market price of Lead Cable Strip in Barrie is 0.4 USD/LB recorded on Wednesday, April 8th 2020

  • Where can sell Tiras de Cableado de Plomo in Barrie?
  • Scrapmonster scrap yards directoy listed 22 scrap yard’s address,contact infofromation and accepting materials. You can find it from here. Some of the popular scrap yards in Barrie are:

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